Thursday, December 8, 2022
HomeWordPress Developmentwp cli - Bizarre WP -Cli Error Connection Refused

wp cli – Bizarre WP -Cli Error Connection Refused

I’ve a slightly of wp-cli downside.

I’m utilizing wp-cli to import a db from my take a look at server into my staging server and though the import is efficiently and the whole lot appears to be working appropriately on the staging server following the import….

The PROBLEM is..

earlier than / after each wp-cli command is executed I get “Connection Refused” messages:

for instance:

Connection refused
Connection refused
Connection refused
0 rows affected utilizing SQL (in 0.005s).
Checking: wp_yoast_seo_links.language
Connection refused
Connection refused
Connection refused
0 rows affected utilizing SQL (in 0.004s).
Checking: wp_yoast_seo_links.area
Connection refused
Connection refused
Connection refused
Connection refused

Connection refused
Connection refused
Success: The cache was flushed.
Connection refused
Connection refused

Try Answer
I attempted to to us wp config create to make a brand new wp-config.php file in case the earlier one was corrupted… however no luck.. error messages nonetheless persist.

Any concepts?



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