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HomeWeb DevelopmentWorking with the JavaScript Mirror API

Working with the JavaScript Mirror API

As a developer, you want to have the ability to create methods and functions that may deal with dynamic code. These applications ought to have the power to govern variables, properties, and object strategies at runtime. To this finish, a brand new world object, Mirror, that’s able to dealing with easy code manipulation, was launched in ES6.

The aim of this text is that will help you higher perceive the idea of Mirror in JavaScript and the right way to use the assorted strategies offered. Mirror lets you simply tinker with the performance of an current object whereas nonetheless offering its default habits.

Desk of Contents:

What’s JavaScript Mirror?

JavaScript Mirror is an inbuilt ES6 world object that gives the power to govern properties, variables, and object strategies at runtime. It’s not a constructor, due to this fact you can not use the new operator with it.

What’s the distinction between the Proxy constructor and Mirror?

Proxy and Mirror had been each launched in ES6 and are used for performing duties, however they’re a bit completely different.

In contrast to Mirror, JavaScript’s Proxy doesn’t have any properties. As a substitute, it wraps round one other object and intercepts its operations. In the meantime, Mirror is an inbuilt object that simplifies the creation of Proxy and makes it potential to name inner strategies.

Proxy takes solely two arguments:

  • goal: The thing that the Proxy will wrap
  • handler: The Proxy configuration that can intercept goal operations

Right here’s an instance:

const profile = { identify: 'Pascal', age:23 }
const handler = {
 get(goal, prop, receiver) {
   if (goal[prop]) {
     return goal[prop]
    return `"${prop}" prop do not exist on this object !`

const profileProxy = new Proxy (profile, handler)

console.log(profileProxy.identify) // Pascal
console.log( // "career" prop do not exist on this object !

The above instance is equal to Mirror.get(), which is described later on this information, nevertheless, the Mirror.get() approach is less complicated and extra easy.

Utilizing the JavaScript Mirror API strategies

Let’s take a better have a look at the strategies of the Mirror object. All of those strategies are static, i.e., they might solely be used on the Mirror object and never on any situations.


The new operator and Mirror.assemble() technique are comparable and are just like new goal(...args), however with the choice to decide on a special prototype. Mirror.assemble() accepts three arguments:

  • goal: The perform to be invoked
  • args: An array of arguments
  • newTarget: An non-obligatory constructor whose prototype ought to be utilized; if it isn’t specified, its default worth is goal

Think about the next instance:

perform summation(x,y,z){
  this.add = x + y +z
const sum = Mirror.assemble(summation, [1,2,3,4,5])

// End result: summation {add: 6}

Mirror.assemble() produces a brand new occasion of the goal or newTarget (if specified), which was constructed with the equipped array of arguments, args. Earlier than the introduction of Mirror.assemble(), we might mix constructor and prototype to create an object: Object.create().


Mirror.apply() is an easy and simple technique to name a goal perform utilizing the offered parameter. It takes in three parameters:

  • goal: The perform to be invoked
  • thisArgument: The this worth is required to invoke the goal perform
  • args: An array containing the parameters with which goal ought to be invoked

Right here’s an instance:

/* Return the best worth within the array */

const arr = [3,5,20,3,31]
const a = Mirror.apply(Math.max, undefined, arr)

// End result: 31

Earlier than Mirror.apply() was launched, we may use the perform.prototype.apply() technique to carry out the same job, like so:

const arr = [3,5,20,3,31]
const a =, undefined, arr);
// End result: 31


To create or edit a property on an object, use the Mirror.defineProperty() technique. It returns a Boolean worth that signifies whether or not a property was efficiently outlined. This technique takes three parameters:

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  • goal: The thing on which the property might be outlined
  • propertyKey: The identify of the property to create or edit
  • attributes: The attributes of the properties which are being outlined

See the next instance:

const obj = {}
Mirror.defineProperty(obj, 'prop', {worth: 70})
// End result: 70


Because the identify implies, Mirror.get() is used to retrieve a property from an object. It accepts three arguments:

  • goal: The thing to be focused
  • propertyKey: The identify of the property to acquire
  • receiver (non-obligatory): If a getter is encountered, the this worth is handed because the receiver for the decision to the goal object

Right here’s an instance:

// with array
const b = [10,11,12,13,14]
console.log(Mirror.get(b, 2))
// End result: 12

// with object
const obj = {identify: "Pascal", age: 23}
console.log(Mirror.get(obj, 'age'))
// End result: 23


The Mirror.getPrototypeOf() perform returns the prototype of the offered goal, very like Object.getPrototypeOf(). Just one argument is accepted by this technique:

  • goal: The thing of which we need to get the prototype

See the next instance:

const profile = {  
  identify: 'Pascal'  
const professional = Mirror.getPrototypeOf(profile);  


The Mirror.set() technique is used to assign a price to an object property. It returns true to point that the property was set efficiently. This perform takes 4 arguments:

  • goal: The thing on which the property is to be set
  • key: The property’s identify
  • worth: The worth that might be allotted
  • receiver(non-obligatory): If a setter is discovered, the this worth have to be used to name the goal

Right here’s an instance:

const arr1 = [];
Mirror.set(arr1, 0, 'first');
Mirror.set(arr1, 1, 'second');
Mirror.set(arr1, 2, 'third');


Mirror.delete Property() is a technique for eradicating a property from an object. If the property is accurately deleted, it returns true. This perform takes two arguments:

  • goal: The thing
  • key: The identify of the property to be deleted

See the next instance:

Mirror.deleteProperty(obj3, 'age');


Mirror.isExtensible(), like Object.isExtensible(), is a technique that detects if an object is extensible (i.e., whether or not further properties could also be added to it). Mirror.isExtensible() returns a Boolean to point whether or not the goal is extensible. It solely considers one argument:

  • goal: The thing to be checked for extensibility

The Mirror.preventExtensions() technique could also be used to forestall an object from changing into extensible i.e prevents new properties from ever being added to an object.

See the beneath instance:

const consumer = {
  identify: "John Deeman"
// true

// block extension
// false


The Mirror.ownKeys() technique mainly returns an array containing the property keys of the goal object. It solely considers one argument:

  • goal: The thing from which to get the keys

Right here’s an instance:

const obj = {
  automotive: "Rolls Royce",
  colour: "black"

const array1 = [];

// ["car", "color"]

// ["length"]


The Mirror.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() technique returns a descriptor that defines how a particular property on a given object is configured. It requires two parameters:

  • goal: The thing to be looked for the property
  • key: The identify of the property for which an outline is required

See the beneath instance:

const obj = {
  automotive: "Rolls Royce",
  colour: "black",
  get (){
    return `I've a ${colour} ${automotive} automotive`

console.log(Mirror.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'automotive').worth);
// "Rolls Royce"

console.log(Mirror.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'colour'));
// {worth: "black", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}

console.log(Mirror.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'colour').writable);
// true

A property descriptor could include the next attributes:

  • worth: The worth related to the property
  • writable: A Boolean that returns true provided that the property’s related worth is modifiable
  • configurable: A Boolean that returns true provided that the property descriptor’s sort could also be modified and the property might be faraway from the associated object
  • enumerable: A Boolean that returns true provided that the property seems throughout property enumeration on the associated object


The Mirror.has() technique verifies if a property is outlined within the goal object. It returns a boolean. Mirror.has() performs related operations to the in operator and accepts two parameters:

  • goal: The thing to which the property might be checked
  • key: The identify of the property to confirm

Right here’s an instance:

const obj = {
  identify: "Douglas"

console.log(Mirror.has(obj, 'identify'));
// true

console.log(Mirror.has(obj, 'age'));
// false

console.log(Mirror.has(obj, 'toString'));
// true


On this article, we examined the JavaScript Mirror object and likewise mentioned the distinction between Proxy and Mirror. We additionally checked out examples of the right way to use numerous Mirror strategies, together with Mirror.get() for returning the worth of an object property, Mirror.deleteProperty() for deleting an object’s property, and Mirror.ownKeys() for returning an object’s property keys.

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