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What’s Logarithmic Time Complexity? A Full Tutorial

Algorithms are extraordinarily necessary in pc programming as a result of a complete pc mannequin runs when a number of algorithms work collectively. Selecting an environment friendly algorithm generally is a robust option to make for this complicated evaluation of the algorithm. There may be varied order of time complexities for the dedication of algorithm out of which some are best and a few are worst. So, we have now to care for this complexity for the higher efficiency of any program. On this weblog, we are going to look in-depth into the Logarithmic Complexity. We can even do varied comparisons between totally different logarithmic complexities, when and the place such logarithmic complexities are used, a number of examples of logarithmic complexities, and rather more. So let’s get began.

What is Logarithmic Time Complexity

What’s Logarithmic Time Complexity

What is supposed by Complexity Evaluation?

The first motive to make use of DSA is to resolve an issue successfully and effectively. How will you determine if a program written by you is environment friendly or not? That is measured by complexities. Complexity is of two sorts:

What’s House Complexity?

The house Complexity of an algorithm is the house taken by an algorithm to run this system for a given enter measurement. This system has some house necessities essential for its execution these embody auxiliary house and enter house. The necessary normal for comparability of algorithms is the house taken by the algorithm to run for a given enter measurement Therefore it must be optimized.

What’s Time Complexity?

In Laptop science, there are numerous issues and a number of other methods to resolve every of those issues utilizing totally different algorithms. These algorithms could have diverse approaches, some is likely to be too complicated to Implement whereas some could remedy the issue in rather a lot less complicated method than others. It’s onerous to pick out an acceptable and environment friendly algorithm out of all which are out there. To make the choice of the most effective algorithm straightforward, calculation of complexity and time consumption of an algorithm is necessary because of this time complexity evaluation is necessary, for this asymptotic evaluation of the algorithm is completed. 

There are three circumstances denoted by three totally different notations of research:

Find out how to measure complexities? 

Beneath are some main order of Complexities are:

  • Fixed: If the algorithm runs for a similar period of time each time no matter the enter measurement. It’s stated to exhibit fixed time complexity.
  • Linear: If the algorithm runtime is linearly proportional to the enter measurement then the algorithm is claimed to exhibit linear time complexity.
  • Exponential: If the algorithm runtime is determined by the enter worth raised to an exponent then it’s stated to exhibit exponential time complexity.
  • Logarithmic: When the algorithm runtime will increase very slowly in comparison with a rise in enter measurement i.e. logarithm of enter measurement then the algorithm is claimed to exhibit logarithmic time complexity.
O(1)  Fixed 
O(log N)   Logarithmic
O(N) Linear time 
O(N * log N)  Log linear
O(N^2)  Quadratic
O(N^3)  Cubic
O(2^N)  Exponential
O(N!)  Factorial 
Measurement of Complexity analysis

Measurement of Complexity evaluation

What’s a logarithm?

The facility to which a base must be raised to succeed in a given quantity is known as the logarithm of that quantity for the respective base.
For locating logarithmic two essential elements that should be identified are base and quantity. 

What is a logarithm


logarithm of 8 for base 2 = log2(8) = 3, 
Rationalization: 23 = 8 Since 2 must be raised to an influence of three to present 8, Thus logarithm of 8 base 2 is 3.

logarithm of 81 for base 9 = log9(81) = 2,
Rationalization: 92 = 81 Since 9 must be raised to an influence of two to present 81, Thus logarithm of 81 base 9 is 2.

Notice: An exponential perform is the precise reverse of a logarithmic perform. When a price is being multiplied repeatedly it’s stated to develop exponentially whereas when the worth is being divided repeatedly it’s stated to develop logarithmically.

Various kinds of Logarithmic Complexities

Now that we all know what’s a logarithm, let’s deep dive into various kinds of logarithmic complexities that exists, equivalent to:

1. Easy Log Complexity (Loga b)

Easy logarithmic complexity refers to log of b to the bottom a. As talked about, it refers back to the time complexity by way of base a. In design and evaluation of algorithms, we typically use 2 as the bottom for log time complexities. The under graph reveals how the easy log complexity behaves.

Simple Log Complexity (Log(a) b)

Easy Log Complexity (Log(a) b)


There are a number of normal algorithms which have logarithmic time complexity:

2. Double Logarithm (log log N)

Double logarithm is the ability to which a base have to be raised to succeed in a price x such that when the bottom is raised to an influence x it reaches a price equal to given quantity.

Double Logarithm (log log N)

Double Logarithm (log log N)


logarithm (logarithm (256)) for base 2 = log2(log2(256)) = log2(8) = 3. 

Rationalization: 28 = 256, Since 2 must be raised to an influence of 8 to present 256, Thus logarithm of 256 base 2 is 8. Now 2 must be raised to an influence of three to present 8 so log2(8) = 3.

3. N logarithm N (N * log N)

N*logN complexity refers to product of N and log of N to the bottom 2. N * log N time complexity is mostly seen in sorting algorithms like Fast kind, Merge Kind, Heap kind. Right here N is the dimensions of knowledge construction (array) to be sorted and log N is the common variety of comparisons wanted to position a price at its proper place within the sorted array. 

N * log N

N * log N

4. logarithm2 N (log2 N)

log2 N complexity refers to sq. of log of N to the bottom 2

log2 N

log2 N

5. N2 logarithm N (N2 * log N)

N2*log N complexity refers to product of sq. of N and log of N to the bottom 2. This Order of time complexity will be seen in case the place an N * N * N 3D matrix must be sorted alongside the rows. The complexity of sorting every row can be N log N and for N rows it will likely be N * (N * log N). Thus the complexity will likely be N2 log N,

N2 * log N

N2 * log N

6. N3 logarithm N (N3 log N)

N3*log N complexity refers to product of dice of N and log of N to the bottom 2. This Order of time complexity will be seen in circumstances the place an N * N matrix must be sorted alongside the rows. The complexity of sorting every row can be N log N and for N rows it will likely be N * (N * log N) and for N width it will likely be N * N * (N log N). Thus the complexity will likely be N3 log N,

N3 log N

N3 log N

7. logarithm √N (log √N)

log √N complexity refers to log of sq. root of N to the bottom 2.

log √N

log √N

Examples To Display Logarithmic Time Complexity

Instance 1: loga b

Activity: We have now a quantity N which has an preliminary worth of 16 and the duty is to scale back the given quantity to 1 by repeated division of two. 

  • Initialize a variable number_of_operation with a price 0 .
  • Run a for loop from N until 1.
    • In every iteration cut back the worth of N to half.
    • Increment the number_of_operation variable by one.
  • Return the number_of_operation variable.



#embody <bits/stdc++.h>

utilizing namespace std;


int predominant()



    int N = 16;

    int number_of_operations = 0;


    cout << "Logarithmic discount of N: ";

    for (int i = N; i > 1; i = i / 2) {

        cout << i << " ";



    cout << 'n'

         << "Algorithm Runtime for lowering N to 1: "

         << number_of_operations;



let number_of_operations = 0;


for(let i=n; i>=1; i=i/2) {







Logarithmic discount of N: 16 8 4 2 
Algorithm Runtime for lowering N to 1: 4


It’s clear from the above algorithm that in every iteration the worth is split by an element of two ranging from 16 until it reaches 1, it takes 4 operations. 

Because the enter worth will get diminished by an element of two, In mathematical phrases the variety of operations required on this case is log2(N), i.e. log2(16) = 4.
So, by way of time complexity, the above algorithm takes logarithmic runtime to finish i.e.  log2(N)

Instance 2: Binary search algorithm (log N)

Linearly Looking a price in an array of measurement N will be very hectic, even when the array is sorted however utilizing binary search this may be completed in rather a lot simpler method and in lesser time because the algorithm reduces the search house by half in every operation thus provides a complexity of log2(N), Right here base is 2 as a result of course of repeatedly reduces to half. 

Think about an array Arr[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18}, Whether it is required to seek out the index of 8 then the algorithm will work as following:



#embody <iostream>

utilizing namespace std;


int find_position(int val, int Arr[], int n, int& steps)


    int l = 0, r = n - 1;


    whereas (l <= r) {


        int m = l + (r - l) / 2;

        if (Arr[m] == val)

            return m;

        else if (Arr[m] < val)

            l = m + 1;


            r = m - 1;


    return -1;



int predominant()



    int Arr[8] = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 };

    int steps = 0;



    int idx = find_position(8, Arr, 8, steps);

    cout << "8 was current on index: "<<idx << endl;




    cout << "Algorithm Runtime: " << steps << endl;


    return 0;



8 was current on index: 3
Algorithm Runtime: 1


Binary search works on Divide and conquer method, In above instance In worst case 3 comparisons will likely be wanted to seek out any worth in array. Additionally the worth of log (N) the place N is enter measurement i.e. 8 for above instance will likely be 3. Therefore the algorithm will be stated to exhibit logarithmic time complexity.

Instance 3: Binary search algorithm (log log N)

An instance the place the time complexity of algorithm is Double logarithmic together with a size issue N is when prime numbers from 1 to N should be discovered. 


#embody <bits/stdc++.h>

utilizing namespace std;

const lengthy lengthy MAX_SIZE = 1000001;


vector<lengthy lengthy> isprime(MAX_SIZE, true);

vector<lengthy lengthy> prime;

vector<lengthy lengthy> SPF(MAX_SIZE);


void manipulated_seive(int N)



    isprime[0] = isprime[1] = false;



    for (lengthy lengthy int i = 2; i < N; i++) {



        if (isprime[i]) {






            SPF[i] = i;










        for (lengthy lengthy int j = 0;

             j < (int)prime.measurement() && i * prime[j] < N

             && prime[j] <= SPF[i];

             j++) {

            isprime[i * prime[j]] = false;



            SPF[i * prime[j]] = prime[j];





int predominant()


    int N = 13;





    for (int i = 0; i < prime.measurement() && prime[i] <= N; i++)

        cout << prime[i] << " ";


    return 0;


In above instance the complexity of discovering prime numbers in a variety of 0 to N is O(N * log (log (N))). 

Follow Issues for Logarithmic Time Complexity

Comparability between varied Logarithmic Time Complexities

Beneath is a graph to indicate the comparability between totally different logarithmic time complexities which have been mentioned above:

Comparison between various Logarithmic Time Complexities

Comparability between varied Logarithmic Time Complexities

Often Requested Questions(FAQ’s) on Logarithmic Time Complexity:

1) Why does logarithmic complexity want no base?

Logarithms from any base i.e. 2, 10, e will be reworked to another base with an addition of a relentless, So the bottom of log doesn’t matter.

2) How are logarithms utilized in actual life?

In Actual Life situation like measuring the acidic, primary or impartial conduct of a substance that describes a chemical property by way of pH worth logarithm is used.

3) Is logarithm repeated division?

Logarithm is repeated division by the bottom b till 1 is reached. The logarithm is the variety of divisions by b. Repeated division doesn’t all the time end in precisely 1.

4) What’s the distinction between logarithm and algorithm?

Algorithm is a step-by-step course of to resolve a sure drawback whereas logarithm is an exponent.

5) Why is binary search logarithmic?

Binary search is a Divide and Conquer technique of looking out, its key concept is to scale back the search house to half after every comparability to seek out the important thing. Thus the search house repeatedly drops by half and the complexity is logarithmic.

6) What is quicker N or log N?

log N is quicker than N as the worth of log N is smaller than N.

7) What is quicker O(1) or O(log N)?

O(1) is quicker than O(log N), as O(1) fixed time complexity and quickest attainable .

8) What’s greatest case time complexity?

In the most effective case fixed variety of operations should be carried out no matter worth of N. So time complexity in the most effective case can be O(1) i.e. Most optimum time complexity.


From the above dialogue, we conclude that the evaluation of an algorithm is essential for selecting an applicable algorithm and the Logarithm order of complexities is among the most optimum order of time complexities. 



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