Monday, August 29, 2022
HomeWordPress DevelopmentVS Code Tip of the Week: Exclude Git Ignore

VS Code Tip of the Week: Exclude Git Ignore

This week’s tip is the Exclude Git Ignore consumer setting. This can be a nice function to declutter the tree explorer of VS Code with recordsdata your undertaking ignores through its .gitignore file.

The setting might be enabled/disabled in your consumer settings for VS Code. You’ll be able to open the settings beginning the command palette and looking for settings.

VS Code command palette open with the search term settings entered

The consumer settings window opens. Seek for gitignore and press the ENTER key or the filter button. Make sure the Explorer: Exclude Git Ignore choice is checked.

VS Code user settings user interface open and filtered on the word gitignore

You too can change the settings in settings.json. Open the command palette once more and seek for settings. This time choose Settings (JSON).

VS Code command palette open with the search term settings entered and Settings (JSON) is selected

Within the settings.json file, add the next key/worth pair:

"explorer.excludeGitIgnore": true

And that is it!

Comfortable VS Coding!



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