Wednesday, August 3, 2022
HomeGame Development Cocos Creator 3.6.0 Neighborhood Beta - Cocos Creator

[Ver.072922 Updated] Cocos Creator 3.6.0 Neighborhood Beta – Cocos Creator

Hello, everybody!

We’re very excited to launch the neighborhood beta of three.6. We hope you’ll get pleasure from the brand new options and assist us to enhance this milestone model. Please give us your suggestions on this matter while you encounter issues.

Obtain Hyperlinks (ver.072922)

Home windows

Mac OS X


  • Export enum outlined in engine-adapter.js (engine#12274)
  • Repair: animation mode disguise add-component-btn (engine#12264)
  • Repair reminiscence points for XMLHttpRequest & WebSocket (engine#12271)
  • Use log as a substitute of assert in cleanup to keep away from assert crash in pr take a look at. (engine#12269)
  • Add deprecation checks (engine#12266)
  • Repair ui mesh renderer allow bug (engine#12265)
  • Repair particle-system deserialization (engine#12220)
  • Take away mix state on ui render (engine#12228)
  • Repair backbone tint (engine#12263)
  • Feat: animation graph – assist absolute vacation spot begin time (engine#12162)
  • Repair the crash after the habits of Data_to_seval modified from returning TypedArray to returning ArrayBuffer. (engine#12260)
  • Repair Object::clearPrivateData doesn’t set _privateData to nullptr (engine#12259)
  • [Bug] Take away prefabInfo when copying elements (engine#12255)
  • Use native middleware buffer for Backbone and Dragonbones (engine#12233)
  • Repair native module constructing for separate engine (engine#12251)
  • Add an additional alignment to GeneralBarrierInfo to make it 8 byte aligned (engine#12247)
  • Modify the assistance icon colour to –color-default-contrast-emphasis (engine#12196)
  • Add deprecated features (engine#12155)
  • Export AssetsManager to native (engine#12254)
  • Repair Stencil supervisor crash when move destroy (engine#12241)
  • Repair CocosApplication doesn’t unregister engine occasion when restarting. (engine#12250)
  • Particle materials swap warning when materials is just not appropriate (engine#12249)
  • Repair sprite body trim bug (engine#12252)
  • Add docs for jsb.garbageCollect (engine#12238)
  • Delete redundant file OSInterfaceManager (engine#12245)
  • Repair HttpClient extreme efficiency degradation by use threadPool in script engine (engine#12240)
  • Repair backbone reminiscence leak when restarting recreation and another reminiscence leaks (engine#12206)
  • Add again HttpClient::destroyInstance in destroy to repair http no response when restart (engine#12236)
  • Repair reflection not export bug. (engine#12237)
  • Repair reminiscence leak in BufferAgent.cpp. (engine#12231)
  • Repair the bug that recreation will crash on exit when utilizing deferred pipeline (engine#12216)
  • Refine websocketClose parameters for defense (engine#12202)
  • Revert convertToUINode deprecation (engine#12229)
  • Add vbColorDirty for native colour filling (engine#12221)
  • Disable tbb on HarmonyOS & CI repair bindings (engine#12225)
  • Take away USE_REFLECTION_CUBEMAP (engine#12215)
  • Floor shader assist rendering to reflection map (engine#12223)
  • Repair screenPointToRay logic error (engine#12210)
  • Change Renderable2d title (engine#12213)
  • Optimize embedded participant/occasion analysis in animation state (engine#12186)
  • Specify ndk model for built-in res (engine#12211)
  • Optimize body animation efficiency (engine#12209)
  • Repair graphics drawing in backbone/dragonbones (engine#12198)
  • Repair swap accessor not change buffer (engine#12204)
  • Repair bullet contact information error (#13210) (engine#12195)
  • Repair inverseBindposes binding (engine#12205)
  • Optimizing ‘GCObject’ name efficiency (engine#12208)
  • Mounted the issue that the script callback perform couldn’t be registered to recreation in native surroundings (engine#12190)
  • Repair reminiscence leaks (engine#12185)
  • Repair shader compilation error (engine#12203)
  • Repair problem that baked object can’t obtain dynamic shadow (engine#12194)
  • Repair a reminiscence leak in CCMTLSemaphore (engine#12189)
  • Repair ui Mannequin proxy reminiscence leak (engine#12184)
  • Add FogInfo.FogType (engine#12197)
  • Repair construct error when allow swappy (engine#12191)
  • Disable debug renderer in simulator to disregard characteristic cropping (engine#12181)
  • Optimize code of batcher2D (engine#12166)
  • Repair the bug that mathutils::approx all the time returns 1 (engine#12168)
  • Repair fallacious logic if passing ‘keepWorldTransform = true’ to setParent. (engine#12169)
  • Appropriate the logic of visiting _worldRotation/Scale/Place in Node.cpp (engine#12170)
  • The enter argument of Mat4::toRTS ought to be within the first order and const reference, output arguments ought to be pointer. (engine#12172)
  • Rename INITAL_CAPACITY to GLES_COMMAND_POOL_INITIAL_CAPACITY to keep away from battle. (engine#12164)
  • Optimize reminiscence utilization in second (engine#12157)


Necessary model replace

  1. Native second efficiency have been drastically improved
  2. Node rework efficiency enchancment with enoki
  3. Separate IBL reflection map and surroundings map, enhance bake velocity
  4. L10n take away compile course of
  5. GameView is now utilizing devoted course of
  6. Help native tiled map
  • simplify c++ summary class (engine#12156)
  • keep away from reset float array dimension (engine#12154)
  • break round dependency (engine#12149)
  • repair ia (engine#12147)
  • add callbacksInvoker lacking api (engine#12131)
  • shut splash display screen and add profiling information (engine#12146)
  • assist backbone/dragonbones use native native batcher2d (engine#12141)
  • add minimal construct assist (engine#12145)
  • add shield situation of kerningDict and fontDefDictionary are undefined (engine#12130)
  • repair lacking code (engine#12144)
  • repair construct error (engine#12142)
  • Repair bug when JsbBridge take a look at case shut window (engine#12126)
  • [optimize] disable denoise with convoluted reflection map (engine#12140)
  • [Optimize] mipmaps on the inspector (engine#11938)
  • assist quantity sort of engine fixed (engine#12012)
  • [Optimize] When MENU is specified, don’t put it within the customized script (engine#12123)
  • gpu particle repair (engine#11944)
  • [pipeline] add pipeline macro (engine#12136)
  • [gfx] auto barrier added (engine#12118)
  • Output pleasant details about impact title (engine#12137)
  • Repair TextureCube binding. (engine#12133)
  • [Feature] skybox bake reflection convolution (engine#12128)
  • [Optimize] impact enhancing interface model (engine#12093)
  • [Optimize] optimize i18n textual content for editor (engine#12052)
  • repair huawei-agc cannot discover platformTemplate (engine#12079)
  • right steel gadget limits for maxFragmentUniformVectors, maxVertexUniformVectors, maxUniformBufferBindings (engine#12127)
  • reflection convolution map baking velocity optimization (engine#12112)
  • Add ->(geometry, profiler, planarShadow) and replace shadow map (engine#45)
  • replace documentations of reflection, bridge and jsbBridgeWrapper (engine#12097)
  • crop debug renderer & geometry renderer & occlusion question by default (engine#12132)
  • Defend corrupted node and part in editor (engine#12120)
  • [optimization] compress csm ubo (engine#12111)
  • name cease when destroy particle (engine#11923)
  • add customized pipeline (engine#12124)
  • repair tiledLayer addUserNode (engine#12122)
  • Added interface for copying textual content to clipboard (engine#12029)
  • forestall including a couple of rendering part to a node (engine#12121)
  • repair crash at server_mode due to make use of fallacious header file (engine#12119)
  • [bug] repair IBL miplevel exceed restrict (engine#12117)
  • add package-lock.json (engine#12110)
  • [pipeline] added net ahead and deferred pipelines (engine#11646)
  • replace native pack instrument (engine#12113)
  • repair: Modify the judgment situation (engine#12050)
  • Verify passes size in Shadow.getPlanarShader & getPlanarInstanceShader (engine#12105)
  • optimize efficiency (engine#12080)
  • Appropriate the logic to acquire the batching scheme. (engine#12094)
  • replace cmake record (engine#12107)
  • replace chunk and impact meta information (engine#12108)
  • default physics materials utilizing inner asset (engine#11855)
  • repair physx create terrain top out of vary (#13252) (engine#12100)
  • repair fallacious orientation by use vulkan at android platform (engine#12109)
  • [bug] Repair planar shadow serialization drawback (engine#12086)
  • repair a leak with html canvas parts (engine#11979)
  • [optimization] Cut up csm ubo (engine#12072)
  • take away Mat4::transformVector for Vec3 (engine#12088)
  • on server mode, use unix executable file (engine#12103)
  • allow bullet instantiate in Editor (engine#12106)
  • repair impl.ts typo & doc refine (engine#12091)
  • scale back log (engine#12092)
  • replace external-config.json (engine#12084)
  • get language with LocaleList on Android7+ (engine#12073)
  • Repair the parameter of TextureCube::setImage, assist to move nullptr (engine#12062)
  • [bug] repair macro of fabric is invalid and set worth of HDR for PipelineSceneData on native (engine#12074)
  • modify the kind of albedoScaled and transparencyFactor multiplied by baseColor.a (engine#12071)
  • use cmath std::fabs as a substitute of cstdlib std::abs (engine#12075)
  • Modify code struct and take away unneeded variables in Node (engine#12069)
  • Repair crash of backbone take a look at on Android, and use enoki::load_unaligned in Vec3::transformMat4Neon (engine#12076)
  • repair information exception brought on by parseInt (engine#12078)
  • take away mix state on fillPass perform (engine#12068)
  • repair masks default materials bug (engine#12070)
  • [bug] retrieve getShadowPassIndex from submodel (engine#12057)
  • repair the validation errors about renderpass and swapchain (engine#11945)
  • mac server mode (engine#12054)
  • RenderDrawInfo code sorting (engine#12055)
  • optimize a bit jsb name (engine#12065)
  • Slim Render Draw Data (engine#12053)
  • native batcher2d tiled-map addUserNode full (engine#12059)
  • repair the calculation of projection of shadow, ought to take into account clipSpaceSignY (engine#12036)
  • Repair some potential reminiscence points (engine#12045)
  • UIOpacity and UIRenderer recursion bug (engine#12015)
  • Optimize se::Object::getPrivateData, math::IsEqualF, Vec3::transformMat4 (engine#12039)
  • optimize renderEntity and renderDrawInfo padding (engine#12042)
  • ban rework es6 to es5 on Bytedance platform (engine#12035)
  • [optimize] keep away from calculate dir lighting and shadows with lightmap (engine#12027)
  • choose fill vertex buffers (engine#12046)
  • [optimize] shadow move texture sampling with out alpha take a look at (engine#12005)
  • [Optimize] export CCClass.isCCClassOrFastDefined (engine#12043)
  • native batcher2d for tiled-map (engine#12044)
  • Repair sprite render bug when Sprite Body is null (engine#12041)
  • repair : video participant state present error (engine#11992)
  • repair graphics replace materials crash (engine#12038)
  • repair gfx buffer reminiscence utilization (engine#12037)
  • Repair PassUtils parsing vec3 with single float (engine#12028)
  • Repair se::Object* conversion. (engine#12034)
  • masks _updateBuiltinMaterial overload (engine#12033)
  • Take away customized Materials flag (engine#12021)
  • Modify mannequin code struct (engine#12020)
  • use hash mix in Cross.cpp to enhance efficiency (engine#12024)
  • add material-compiling stage (engine#12022)
  • Deal with vacation spot begin time on empty transitions (engine#12007)
  • Repair typo of TextureCube::setMipmapAtlas and replace property binding in belongings (engine#12016)
  • set buffer dimension for middleware (engine#12013)
  • Refactor native Batcher2d lifecycle (engine#12011)
  • [Optimize] scale back dimension (engine#12004)



  • Repair compilation problem for HarmonyOS
  • Repair engine module information migration
  • Repair construct activity button can’t show regular reminiscence
  • Repair the display screen orientation configuration problem on CocosPlay
  • Repair the encryption of distant listing script on native platform
  • Repair the operation drawback brought on by lacking information of key body choice
  • Repair the issue that the title bar of three.5 editor could also be misplaced after opening 3.6.0.
  • Repair the issue that vconsole studies error when previewing on mobile phone.
  • Repair the issue that the scene script is just not began when the plug-in is dynamically began.
  • Repair the issue that the engine module configuration could also be misplaced when upgrading the undertaking.
  • Repair the issue that the plug-in mounting db can’t be set seen.
  • Optimize the place and textual content of the button of script compilation and debugging instrument.
  • Repair the interplay drawback of desire settings and customized macros
  • Repair the issue that loading engine fails to reply throughout editor startup
  • Optimize the add interface of Huawei AGC
  • Repair the difficulty that construct can not export configuration file


  • [Optimization] Simplify logic of Node::stroll() (engine#11997)
  • Guarantee operating audio context (engine#11996)
  • Repair particle noise module swap bug (engine#11958)
  • Repair render pipeline’s inspector (engine#11982)
  • [Optimization]Crop occlusion question in second undertaking (engine#11990)
  • The computation of projection matrix ought to take into account signal of Y (engine#11995)
  • [Optimization] Shadow map makes use of linear depth macro with webgl (engine#11993)
  • Keep away from tick a number of instances (engine#11991)
  • Repair ui bug for rendering customized materials (engine#11989)
  • Replace deprecated information for SystemEvent (engine#11985)
  • [Optimization] Restructure life cycle (engine#11971)
  • Repair planar-shadow not displayed when directional mild shadow disabled (engine#11984)
  • [Optimization] Audio supply will emit provided that it’s hooked up to a node (engine#11975)
  • Repair linear depth perform for spot shadow (engine#11951)
  • Repair wechat cc plugin import scriptPackages (engine#11967)
  • Repair cc.Label enhancing interface error (engine#11949)
  • Repair AddressSanitizer: memcpy-param-overlap: reminiscence ranges in Mesh.cpp if CC_OPTIMIZE_MESH_DATA is enabled (engine#11976)
  • Repair program exit bug (engine#11966)
  • Repair second particle rendering bug on native platforms (engine#11973)
  • [Optimization] Cut back construct log & warnings (engine#11961)
  • Repair debug renderer construct problem on second initiatives (engine#11968)
  • [Optimization] Add assist to DCC impact for specularMap of Mixamo and blender (engine#11953)
  • Repair gameActivity cannot be discovered by different module (engine#11962)
  • [Optimization] Batcher2d code sorting (engine#11943)
  • [Optimization] Use Exterior ArrayBuffer to optimize the shared reminiscence in Node (engine##11926)


  1. Win32 assist is eliminated, solely win64 launch is out there since 3.6
  2. iOS minimal model assist modified from iOS 10 to iOS 11 (with a purpose to use C++ 17)
  3. The naming of built-in supplies is predicated on the naming in AssetDB, and when utilizing EffectAsset.get, the parameters ought to be the identical because the shader title within the editor.
  4. utility.js has been up to date, when you have a customized construct template in your undertaking, please be certain that to regenerate utility.js and modify it accordingly.

Necessary updates

Since there are too many updates in 3.6, we are going to solely record some key modifications right here. You may as well confer with the v3.6.0 characteristic notes

The engine have been extra native than ever

After virtually a 12 months of improvement and steady iterations since 3.3, we transfer extra of the engine all the way down to the C++ layer, together with the SceneGraph hierarchy, RenderScene rendering scene administration and all of the rendering information. This additionally resulted in additional efficiency enhancements. The chart beneath exhibits efficiency of various model, the take a look at case contains 3d scene with rising shifting fashions (with strolling skeletal animation), we enhance the quantity of fashions till it’s secure at 30 fps.

Editor Capabilities

  1. Total editor UI replace
  2. Add Recreation View editor preview mode, assist for operating and debugging video games instantly within the editor
  3. New Rendering Debug View mode
  4. [Scene View] Scene Editor provides floor alignment and vertex alignment capabilities to the rework gizmo, confer with Introduction
  5. [Scene View] assist field choice perform, you possibly can choose a number of objects directly
  6. [Build Panel] Optimize the group of construct duties
  7. [Asset Explorer] Help Mesh thumbnails
  8. [Asset Explorer] Help bundle filtering
  9. [Animation Editor] Animation clips can now add new embedded participant, assist particle participant and animation participant
  10. [Animation Editor] can collapse blocks by double-clicking the node record and property record title place
  11. Add Localization Editor because the official editor built-in i18n scheme
  12. Mesh useful resource choice field helps Mesh preview
  13. [Particle System] Particle preview helps mixed preview of sub-node tree
  14. [Particle System] Particle inspector panel assist undo/redo
  15. [Particle System] Help Noise module

  16. [Marionette Animation System] Animation Graph Help Animation Preview
  17. [Marionette Animation System] Animation Graph assist variable and layer renaming
  18. [Marionette Animation System] Animation Graph assist transition line sorting

Graphics capabilities

  1. Help writing results with Floor Shader
  2. Help baking IBL reflective convolution (GGX convolution)
  3. Help Cascade Shadow Map
  4. Help for setting Skybox supplies
  5. Enhance the vary of Regular Energy of the usual materials
  6. Add GLTF specular-glossiness workflow assist
  7. Replace default FBX floor phong materials assist
  8. Lengthen Specular channel assist for Blender principled bsdf supplies

Framework capabilities

  1. DynamicMesh assist
  2. Batcher logic and render command submit logic moved to native, enhance the efficiency of the native platform
  3. [Particle system] Help particle Noise Module
  4. [Particle system] Help instanced mesh, enhance the efficiency of the emitter
  5. Add API for retrieving audio PCMData and sampleRate assist audio PCMData and sampleRate getter #11470
  6. Refactor the engine startup course of, simplify the utility.js logic, add varied occasions in the course of the startup part
  7. [Terrain system] Help rotation of terrain brush
  8. [Terrain system] Help terrain top brush
  9. [Baking System] Mild map baker helps tga mapping format.
  10. [Baking System] MeshRenderer will routinely set the sunshine map useful resource for rendering.
  11. Replace iOS native EditBox model
  12. Help for 3D area SpriteRenderer
  13. Add precedence assist for rendering part
  14. Fill z-values in UI vertex information to assist 3D Remodel of UI
  15. Use texture to retailer skeletal joints information as a substitute of uniform to keep away from mannequin splitting throughout import part.

Native framework upgrades

  1. Add simpler to make use of excessive stage JS bindings sebind
  2. Combine with Android Recreation Exercise
  3. Downloader assist breakpoint switch in iOS/Android platform
  4. Add native plugin specification (documentation to be added)


hmmmm.Is anybody utilizing a number of the new options in 3.6.0 beta?

A brand new model 072922 have been up to date, if anybody is utilizing neighborhood beta of v3.6, we strongly counsel you to replace to the newest model

Is there repair for supporting npm modules as in CC 2.x ?, i do keep in mind somebody promised to repair it in 3.6

It simply totally different, the brand new scripting system makes use of rollup to construct scripts into systemjs modules, the assist means for npm modules are certainly totally different. I’ll ask our engineer to clarify extra intimately

What’s the issue you encountered with npm?

I’m getting restricted success with shifting/rotating sprites/buttons in 3D area. To ensure that the 3D rotation to be noticed, I’ve to set the Projection for the digital camera viewing the sprites/UI parts to Perspective, however issues like mouse hovers and clicks don’t work. If I tighten up the Close to – Far distances on the digital camera (eg -0.5 – +0.5), I can get some measure of success, however it’s clearly not an correct wanting/feeling z-raycast examine.

That is positively higher and an enchancment, however I’d prefer to see the power to place canvas elements on any object in 3D area; or just acknowledged – have assist for a world area canvas. Then I can set the rework of the canvas, and subsequently all of its youngsters, nevertheless I like in 3D area.

Hello, The canvas is designed to adapt to the display screen, so it needs to be a 2D floor akin to the display screen. Nevertheless, in 3.6 we do assist 3d area coordinates for UI parts beneath Canvas, so you possibly can have a hierarchy like this

I believe this may fulfill your want

Alright I’ve recreated the scene, and it’s slightly higher now… I nonetheless want to vary the digital camera to Perspective projection. Nonetheless, although, hovering/clicking buttons on a Perspective digital camera doesn’t work.

I see, we are going to take into account it as a bug.

As a matter of reality, we already created an inner problem about this, the rationale it doesn’t assist perspective digital camera is as a result of the conventional hit take a look at of UI node solely take into account zero depth airplane. So the display screen level (x, y) will likely be transformed to (x, y, 0) for additional hit take a look at, however in perspective digital camera ray solid ought to be used for hit take a look at. It’s deliberate to be supported in v3.7

At present, you possibly can connect collider to the buttons, and use ray solid characteristic to examine mouse and pointer occasions.

A simple workaround which may suffice for all my wants (nonetheless testing, however up to now so good) is to set the Close to clipping distance on the digital camera to -0.5 and the Far clipping distance to 0.5.



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