Tuesday, December 27, 2022
HomeWordPress Developmentuploads - WordPress directories not writable after PHP model improve

uploads – WordPress directories not writable after PHP model improve

Ever since I’ve eliminated PHP model 7.4 and upgraded to PHP model 8.0, WordPress will not be permitting me to make any additional updates or file uploads; referencing inadequate file permissions.

WordPress model: 6.1.1

Internet handler: Nginx

$ ps aux | egrep '(nginx|httpd)'
root     1820399  0.0  0.0 149556  2720 ?        Ss   10:54   0:00 nginx: grasp course of /usr/bin/nginx
nginx    1820400  0.0  0.0 176644 14848 ?        S    10:54   0:00 nginx: employee course of

PHP model 8.0:

$ php -v
PHP 8.0.26 (cli) (constructed: Nov 22 2022 17:44:09) ( NTS gcc x86_64 )

How I upgraded PHP variations:

dnf module take away php:remi-7.4 
dnf module reset php:remi-7.4
dnf module set up php:remi-8.0

WordPress listing and file permissions:

$ ls -l /var/ | grep www
drwxr-xr-x   7 root root     4096 Dec 26 23:00 www

$ pwd; ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 4 nginx nginx 4096 Jul 18 13:59 instance.com

I’ve already tried altering possession of /var/www to nginx:nginx, however this didn’t resolve it both, and root:root was the best way it was set previous to the permissions drawback.

All sub-directories and information are owned by nginx – Information have 644 permissions and directories have 755 permissions, that is throughout:

[public_html]$ ls -l
complete 220
-rw-r--r--  1 nginx nginx   405 Feb  6  2020 index.php
drwxr-xr-x  6 nginx nginx  4096 Dec 26 08:58 wp-content

I am getting the next messages through WordPress web site well being:

The principle WordPress listing Not writable

The wp-content listing Not writable

The uploads listing Not writable

The plugins listing Not writable

The themes listing Not writable

I merely cannot do something except I give “others” rwx permission, which is simply asking for it to get destroyed.



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