I am engaged on a personality generator that creates thumbnail sprites for every character. I am utilizing a separate digicam that renders to a
, which is used to create a sprite utilizing ReadPixels()
. The ensuing sprites seem to have their colours multiplied. I am stumped. I’ve messed round extensively with lighting and ambient lighting. Proper now the one lighting is ambient. I’ve tried varied coloration codecs for the RenderTexture
. I’ve tried assigning totally different supplies to the ensuing sprite, together with the default.
Right here is the related code, which generates the sprite:
IEnumerator GeneratePortrait(Npc npc)
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(512, 512);
RenderTexture.energetic = rt; //assigned at Begin()
tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.peak), 0, 0);
yield return null;
RenderTexture.energetic = null;
npc.sprite = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0, 0, 512, 512), new Vector2(256, 256));
Replace I attempted altering the road that creates the feel to
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(512, 512, TextureFormat.ARGB4444, false);
This should not work; the format of the RenderTexture is the default for the goal platform R8G8B8A8_UNORM
however the result’s a lot better. Nonetheless some multiplication taking place, however acceptably shut.