I am attempting to insert the idle animation within the if-else assertion however every time I run the sport, it would not play the idle animation, simply the working animation. The bottom of this algorithm is from the Youtube tutorial of the Pokemon recreation. Right here is the hyperlink to that : Customized Animation
That is the code for the Character Animation
var prevAnim = currentAnim;
if (MoveX == 1)
currentAnim = runRightanim;
else if (MoveX == -1)
currentAnim = runLeftanim;
if (MoveY == 1)
currentAnim = runUpanim;
else if (MoveY == -1)
currentAnim = runDownanim;
if(currentAnim != prevAnim || isMoving != waspreviouslymoving)
if (isMoving)
if (MoveX == 1)
currentAnim = idleRightanim;
if (MoveX == -1)
currentAnim = idleLeftanim;
if (MoveY == 1)
currentAnim = idleUpanim;
if (MoveY == -1)
currentAnim = idleDownanim;
waspreviouslymoving = isMoving;
That is the code for the Sprite renderer
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
Listing<Sprite> frames;
float frameRate;
int currentframe; //tracks body
float timer; //tracks time
public SpriteAnimator(Listing<Sprite> frames, SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float frameRate = 0.16f)
this.frames = frames;
this.spriteRenderer = spriteRenderer;
this.frameRate = frameRate;
public void Begin()
currentframe = 0;
timer = 0f;
spriteRenderer.sprite = frames[0];
public void HandleUpdate()
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer > frameRate)
currentframe = (currentframe + 1) % frames.Rely; //present body==final body, loops frames
spriteRenderer.sprite = frames[currentframe];
timer -= frameRate; //reset timer
Im new to recreation Growth in Unity, I hope in your spare time, thanks~