Tuesday, June 7, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentTween Customized Property replace - Cocos Creator

Tween Customized Property replace – Cocos Creator

Making an attempt to replace a customized property and making an attempt to maintain monitor on each iteration replace
(on each tick)

however it property turn into undefine on 2nd replace iteration undecided why

By instance:

cc.tween().to(1, {
  scale: 2,
  place: {
    worth: cc.v3(),
    progress: (begin, finish, present, t) => {
      // Word that the handed in property is cc.Vec3, so you have to use Vec3.lerp for interpolation calculations
      return begin.lerp(finish, t, present);

You’re lacking return present worth


What I in search of is a behaviour line onUpdate as in 3.5v of Tween
I ma engaged on 2.4v which do not need this perform so is it potential to register a perform which is name on each updation iteration an can entry the worth and that point and replace sure issues



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