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HomeWordPress DevelopmentThe rest Analysis - GeeksforGeeks

The rest Analysis – GeeksforGeeks

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Given two optimistic integers Num1 and Num2, the duty is to search out the rest when Num1 is split by Num2.


Enter:  Num1 = 11, Num2 = 3
Output: 2
Rationalization:  3) 11 (3
                                – 9
                                  2 -> The rest

Enter: Num1 = 15, Num2 = 3
Output: 0

Method: The issue will be solved through the use of the modulus operator.

  • Modulus operator returns the rest, if we write a % b, it returns the rest when a is split by b the place b != 0. If b = 0, then it provides Runtime Error,
    • Math error in C++, [Math error: Attempted to divide by Zero]
    • ZeroDivisionError in Python, [ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero]
    • ArithmeticException in Java [ArithmeticException: / by zero]

Beneath is the implementation of the above strategy:



#embrace <bits/stdc++.h>

utilizing namespace std;


int remedy(int Num1, int Num2)


    return Num1 % Num2;



int important()


    int Num1 = 11;

    int Num2 = 3;



    cout << remedy(Num1, Num2) << endl;

    return 0;


Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Area: O(1)



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