Friday, August 11, 2023
HomeProgrammingThe Overflow #190: Lengthy stay the brand new search!

The Overflow #190: Lengthy stay the brand new search!

Welcome to ISSUE #190 of The Overflow! This article is by builders, for builders, written and curated by the Stack Overflow crew and Cassidy Williams. This week: hear from the Stackers constructing our AI options, take into account whether or not LLMs undergo from an overestimation of their skills, and take a look at whether or not you may have a number of testing methods without delay.

From the weblog

Ask like a human: Implementing semantic search on Stack Overflow stackoverflow.weblog
Stack Overflow’s search is about to alter without end.

How engineering groups at a big org can transfer at startup pace stackoverflow.weblog
On this sponsored episode of the podcast, Ben talks with Amber Webb, Principal Engineer at Shell, and Naresh Kumar, Senior Principal Engineer at Shell, about their hyper automation initiative, which locates organization-level bottlenecks and removes them.

Behind the scenes with the oldsters constructing OverflowAI (Ep. 594) stackoverflow.weblog
To evolve our firm, we needed to change the best way we work.

Twilio’s SIGNAL, Buyer and Developer Convention promotion
Be part of us on-line at SIGNAL on Aug 23. Designed for builders, that includes 100+ audio system, coding workshops, immersive coaching and deep-dive demos. Join with consultants and acquire invaluable expertise. Register free!

Attention-grabbing questions

Is it authorized for a practice firm to create an artwork gallery utilizing images of the graffiti on their locomotives and practice automobiles?
Simply since you personal the canvas doesn’t imply you personal the copyright on the artwork.

Does a C++ lambda have a restricted life?
The lambda won’t, however that operate reference certain does.

Groups activates my digicam for each assembly
A morality play about default settings in two acts.

Do LLMs undergo from a sort of Dunning-Kruger impact, giving an inflated self-assessment in domains they lack experience in?
Do people undergo from a bent to anthropomorphize their instruments? My keyboard says no.

Fashionable expertise and the way forward for language translation
The language translation trade is rising and evolving quicker than ever.

Pyramid or Crab? Discover a testing technique that matches
Typically the perfect testing technique…is having many testing methods!

Authorized Lullabies
“Lull your self to sleep with the soothing white noise of your favourite tech big’s phrases of service.”

Lower your expenses on serverless: widespread expensive errors and keep away from them
A serverless structure is commonly “pay as you go,” however typically you may run into hindrances and sudden prices.

Spending hours trying to find solutions at work? Discover them quicker in Stack Overflow for Groups. Get it free!

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