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Show that Sparse Graph is NP-Full

Prerequisite: NP-Completeness, NP Class, Sparse Graph, Impartial Set

Drawback: Given graph G = (V, E) and two integers a and b. A set of quite a lot of vertices of G such that there are at most b edges between them is called the Sparse Subgraph of graph G.

Clarification: Sparse Subgraph drawback is outlined as follows:

  • Enter: An undirected graph G = (V, E) and variables a, b
  • Output: A set S which is a subset of V the place |S| = a  and there are at most b edges between pairs of vertices in S. Report “NO”, if no such set exists.

To show an issue NP Full, there are two steps concerned:

  • Show given drawback belong to NP Class
  • All different issues within the NP class could be polynomial time reducible to that drawback. (That is the show of being NP-Laborious)

Now it isn’t potential to scale back each NP drawback to a different NP drawback to show it’s NP completeness on a regular basis. That’s why we present that any identified NP full drawback is reducible to that drawback in polynomial time.


1. Sparse Graph belongs to NP Class:

An issue is claimed to be in NP Class if the answer for the issue could be verified in polynomial time.

Given an enter G = (V, E) and two integer variables a and b.

  • For a given answer S, it takes O(|V|) time to confirm that |S| =a.
  • To verify that the variety of edges between any pair of vertices in S is at most b,  we have to run O(|V|2) algorithm. 

So, verification of an answer for Sparse Graph takes at most O(|V|2) which is polynomial in nature so Sparse Graph belongs to NP Class.

2. Sparse Graph is an NP-Laborious drawback:

Now we have to present Sparse Graph is a minimum of as exhausting as a identified NP-Full Drawback by discount method.

Right here the identified drawback goes to be the Impartial Set drawback which is already identified to be NP-complete which is defined in Proof of Impartial Set being the NP-Full.

We’re going to present the discount from Impartial Set -> Sparse Graph.

Enter Conversion: We have to convert the enter from Impartial Set to the enter of the Sparse Graph.

Impartial Set Enter:  An undirected graph G(V, E) and integer okay.
Sparse Graph Enter: An undirected graph G'(V, E) and two integers a and b.

We’re going to remodel the enter from Impartial Set to Sparse Graph such that

  • G’ = G(V, E) 
  • a = okay
  • b = 0 since we have to have the utmost Impartial Set

This conversion goes to take O(1) time. So it’s polynomial in nature.

Output Conversion: We have to convert the answer from Sparse Graph to the answer for the  Impartial Set drawback.

Resolution of Sparse Graph will lead to a set a which might be an Impartial Set of dimension okay as okay = a. So direct output from Sparse Graph can be utilized by Impartial Set. Since no conversion is required so it’s once more polynomial in nature.


Ahead implication: Take into account any Impartial Set S. It is a Sparse graph as properly, since there is no such thing as a edges between vertices of S(b <= 0 ) and |S| = okay = a

Reverse implication: A given Sparse Graph answer S, it’s an Impartial Set as properly (variety of edges between vertices is zero, and |S| = okay = a.

So, this implies Sparse Graph has an answer ↔  Impartial Set has an answer.
The whole discount takes polynomial time and Impartial Set is an NP full drawback. So Sparse Graph can be an NP full drawback.


Therefore we are able to conclude that Sparse Graph is an NP Full drawback.



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