Saturday, May 28, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentScrollview optimization. v3.5.0 - Cocos Creator

Scrollview optimization. v3.5.0 – Cocos Creator

Hi there! Earlier than creator 3.0 we have been utilizing this tutorial to optimise all scroll views in our tasks:

In model 3.5.0 when i set 0 opacity to a node draw calls don’t drop down.

this.node.getComponent(UIOpacity)!.opacity = 0

This fashion will not be good:

this.node.lively = false

as a result of it freezes a sport

Is there a brand new good option to optimise a scrollview?

Turning off the node is freezing the sport? i dont’ perceive that.
You could possibly attempt to disable the scrollview part.

node.getComponent(ScrollView).enabled = false

im’ extra confused now. So based mostly on the documentation opacity =0 ought to work however you aren’t seeing the draw calls go down. Now you tried node.lively=false however that could be a enormous efficiency hit? If the node has a sprite part related, you may disable that so the rendering stops// another take a look at similar to node.lively = false.

I set enabled part to false to optimize.

replace (dt) {
      var viewRect = cc.rect(- this.view.width / 2, - this.content material.y -, this.view.width,;
      for (let i = 0; i < this.content; i++) {
          const node = this.content[i];
          if (viewRect.intersects(node.getBoundingBox())) {
              node.getComponent(cc.Sprite).enabled = true;
              node.getChildByName('textual content').getComponent(cc.Label).enabled = true;
          else {
              node.getComponent(cc.Sprite).enabled = false;
              node.getChildByName('textual content').getComponent(cc.Label).enabled = false;

I’ve a ticket on github relating to CC3 and opacity = 0 that I actually preferred in CC2 the place it didn’t render and trigger drawcalls.



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