Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeWordPress DevelopmentPostgres module for NestJS 8.x framework 😻

Postgres module for NestJS 8.x framework 😻

On this submit I’ll clarify find out how to use my Node PostgreSQL module for NestJS 😻.
For these unfamiliar or unfamiliar with NestJS, it’s a TypeScript Node.js framework that helps you construct environment friendly and scalable enterprise-grade Node.js purposes.

For individuals who have by no means used node-postgres is a package deal to combine PostgreSQL with NodeJS (see right here for extra details about PostgreSQL and its options).

So let’s get began by creating the NestJS app 😻.
Open terminal and set up CLI for NestJS, if you have already got it put in, skip this step.

$ npm i -g @nestjs/cli
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Then create a NestJS challenge

$ nest new app
$ cd app
// begin the appliance
$ npm run begin:dev
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Open the browser on localhost:3000 to confirm that whats up world is displayed.

then we create a docker-compose.yml file to create the service PostgreSQL

model: "3"

    picture: postgres
    restart: at all times
      - "5432:5432"
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: pass123
      POSTGRES_DB: nest
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for many who have no idea what docker is I go away the hyperlink right here for extra info Docker.
Properly now let’s proceed with the package deal set up.

Set up PostgresModule and Node-Postgres dependencies

$ npm set up --save nest-postgres pg
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Set PostgresModule in AppModule

import { Module } from '@nestjs/frequent';
import { PostgresModule } from 'nest-postgres';

@Module ({
   imports: [
        connectionString: 'postgresql://postgres:pass123@localhost:5432/nest',
        // or
        // host: 'localhost',
        // database: 'nest',
        // password: 'pass123',
        // user: 'postgres',
        // port: 5432,
export class AppModule {}
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Now let’s create a REST API and name it customers. We open the terminal and run the instructions to create the module, the service and the controller for the customers:

$ nest g mo customers  # module
$ nest g s customers   # service
$ nest g co customers  # controller
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import { Module } from '@nestjs/frequent';
import { UsersService } from './customers.service';
import { UsersController } from './customers.controller';

  controllers: [UsersController],
  suppliers: [UsersService]
export class UsersModule {}

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Earlier than we begin constructing our API, create the Knowledge Switch Objects (Dto) class to create the customers

import { IsEmail, IsNotEmpty, IsString } from "class-validator";

export class CreateUserDto {
    firstName: string;

    lastName: string;

    e mail: string;
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Bear in mind to put in this package deal earlier than creating the dto class for the improve.

$ npm i @nestjs/mapped-types
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Properly, now to replace the customers knowledge we prolong the CreateUserDto class:

import { PartialType } from '@nestjs/mapped-types';
import { CreateUserDto } from './create-user.dto';

export class UpdateUserDto extends PartialType(CreateUserDto){}
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We then implement ours UserService:

} from '@nestjs/frequent';
import { Shopper } from 'pg';
import { InjectClient } from 'nest-postgres';
import { CreateUserDto } from './dto/create-user.dto';
import { UpdateUserDto } from './dto/update-user.dto';

export class UsersService {
  constructor(@InjectClient() personal readonly pg: Shopper) {}

  public async findAll(): Promise<any> {
    const customers = await'SELECT * FROM customers');
    return customers.rows;

  public async findOne(id: string): Promise<any> {
    if (!id) {
      throw new BadRequestException();

    const end result = await'SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id=$1', [id]);

    if (!end result) {
      throw new NotFoundException();

    return end result.rows;

  public async create(createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise<any> {
    attempt {
      const consumer = await
        'INSERT INTO customers (firstName, lastName, e mail)  VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING *',
        [createUserDto.firstName, createUserDto.lastName,],
      return consumer.rows;
    } catch (err) {
      throw new HttpException(err, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

  public async replace(id: quantity, updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto): Promise<any> {
    attempt {
      const customers = await
        'UPDATE customers SET firstName=$1, lastName=$2, e mail=$3 WHERE id=$3 RETURNING *',
        [updateUserDto.firstName, updateUserDto.lastName,, id],
      return customers.rows;
    } catch (err) {
      throw new HttpException(err, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

  public async take away(id: string): Promise<void[]> {
    if (!id) {
      throw new BadRequestException();

    const customers = await
      'DELETE FROM customers WHERE id=$1 RETURNING *',
    return customers.rows;
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import { Controller, Get, Submit, Physique, Put, Param, Delete } from '@nestjs/frequent';
import { UsersService } from './customers.service';
import { CreateUserDto } from './dto/create-user.dto';
import { UpdateUserDto } from './dto/update-user.dto';

export class UsersController {
  constructor(personal readonly usersService: UsersService) {}

  create(@Physique() createUserDto: CreateUserDto) {
    return this.usersService.create(createUserDto);

  findAll() {
    return this.usersService.findAll();

  findOne(@Param('id') id: string) {
    return this.usersService.findOne(id);

  replace(@Param('id') id: string, @Physique() updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto) {
    return this.usersService.replace(id, updateUserDto);

  take away(@Param('id') id: string) {
    return this.usersService.take away(id);
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nicely now we must always have our API examined if every little thing works completely this instructions from curl or no matter you like to make use of.

    $ curl -H 'content-type: software/json' -v -X GET  
    $ curl -H 'content-type: software/json' -v -X GET 
    $ curl -H 'content-type: software/json' -v -X POST -d '{"firstName": "firstName #1", "lastName": "lastName #1", "e mail": ""}' 
    $ curl -H 'content-type: software/json' -v -X PUT -d '{"firstName": "firstName replace #1", "lastName": "lastName replace #1", "e mail": "}' 
    $ curl -H 'content-type: software/json' -v -X DELETE 
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For extra info on node-postgres see right here.

This module is appropriate with model 7.x of NestJS 😻.

That is it 😀
Hope it may be helpful in your initiatives.
For something write me within the feedback 😉



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