Hi there. Hobbyist (with goals…) programmer utilizing Cocos Creator for first time with a purpose to ultimately depart Unity in favor of Cocos however I’m already dealing with my very first difficulty with Cocos whereas implementing the playfab-sdk from npm in my undertaking. Any information/tutorial on working with Cocos Creators and PlayFab?
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Hello! Glad to affix the neighborhood
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Hello, studying cocos creator. glad to be aside of this neighborhood.
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Hello everybody, what would you recommend? Playcanvas or cocos and why?
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Всем привет! Я тут новичок) Вдруг тут есть ребята из России
Hello! I’m new right here. What if there are guys from Russia right here?
Nice, tnx for data
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Hello there, I’m a developer nonetheless utilizing Creator v2.2 from China
Hello, a Cocos rookie is right here.