I am having a problem when I’ve created a participant class and need to transfer my sprite in between three lanes. I used to be in a position to get the sprite to maneuver once I used “pygame.get_pressed()” nevertheless I solely need the sprite to maneuver in single massive steps between three lanes, due to this fact one key press == shifting say 50 pixles up after which no additional motion.
Subsequently I swapped the “get_pressed” code for a “for occasion in pygame.occasion.get()” so I may use the “KEYDOWN” methodology. I’ve acquired this to work in a seperate venture file by together with it in the principle whereas loop. Nevertheless I consider this could have the ability to be included within the Participant class and presently nothing occurs.
Any assist appreciated:
import pygame
import get_image, player_class
from sys import exit
display screen = pygame.show.set_mode((960,480))
pygame.show.set_caption('Platform Check')
background_surface = pygame.picture.load('belongings/graphics/inexperienced.png').convert_alpha()
final_background = pygame.remodel.scale(background_surface, (960,480))
background_rect = final_background.get_rect(topleft = (0,0))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
sprite_sheet_image = pygame.picture.load('belongings/graphics/participant.png').convert_alpha()
sprite_sheet = get_image.SpriteSheet(sprite_sheet_image)
FPS = 60
class Participant(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
international x_position, y_position
x_position = 50
y_position = 400
def __init__(self):
player_walk_1 = sprite_sheet.get_image(0, 24, 34, 3, GREEN_SCREEN_BACKGROUND)
player_walk_2 = sprite_sheet.get_image(1, 24, 34, 3, GREEN_SCREEN_BACKGROUND)
player_walk_3 = sprite_sheet.get_image(2, 24, 34, 3, GREEN_SCREEN_BACKGROUND)
player_walk = [player_walk_1, player_walk_2, player_walk_3]
player_walk_index = 0
self.picture = player_walk_2
self.rect = self.picture.get_rect(bottomleft = (x_position,y_position))
def player_input(self):
for occasion in pygame.occasion.get():
if occasion.sort == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if occasion.key == pygame.K_UP:
self.rect.y -= 20
def replace(self):
participant = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle()
whereas True:
for occasion in pygame.occasion.get():
if occasion.sort == pygame.QUIT:
pygame.give up()
display screen.blit(final_background,background_rect)
participant.draw(display screen)