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HomeData ScienceMonte Carlo Simulation. Half 6: Evaluating Different Situations | by Darío Weitz...

Monte Carlo Simulation. Half 6: Evaluating Different Situations | by Darío Weitz | Nov, 2022

Half 6: Evaluating Different Situations

Picture by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Within the first and second articles of this sequence, we outlined a Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) as “a sampling experiment whose intention is to estimate the distribution of a amount of curiosity that will depend on a number of stochastic enter variables”. It’s a quantitative method whose fashionable improvement was based mostly on the work of scientists’ John von Neumann, Stanislav Ulam, and Nicholas Metropolis within the Manhattan Challenge for the event of the primary atomic bomb throughout World Battle II. Conceptually, it’s a methodology based mostly on statistics for figuring out the probability of a number of outcomes based mostly on repeated random sampling.

Simulation methods generally, and MCS specifically, excel in evaluating different eventualities. The skill to mannequin quite a lot of assumptions concerning the system beneath research makes them essentially the most highly effective and versatile operation analysis instruments.

One of the vital essential functions of any simulation research is to check system alternate options utilizing quantitative statistical measures which describe the efficiency of the system. The ultimate objectives are to find out which state of affairs performs one of the best in accordance with the choice drawback and to realize perception into the system’s conduct.

So, an acceptable simulation methodology should embody an intensive number of inputs, goal and measurable end result metrics, and a remaining evaluation and rating of other eventualities.

We’ll illustrate these concepts and ideas for a Monte Carlo Simulation via a classical instance in operation administration fashions: the information vendor stock drawback.

The information vendor stock drawback seems incessantly in enterprise and operation analysis resolution issues. It’s modeled by the so-called Newsvendor Mannequin. It tries to reply the next query: how a lot to order for a single product that’s perishable and characterised by a random demand and a hard and fast promoting worth. The seller needs to maximise his/her revenue however, because the product have to be accessible earlier than the promoting interval, he/she should resolve the scale of the order earlier than observing the true product demand.

As detailed within the first article of this sequence, the final setting of the issue is as follows:

  • There’s a vendor, a provider, and prospects.
  • The demand is unsure for an upcoming time frame (a single-period mannequin).
  • There’s a resolution variable (the stock degree Q) that have to be computed to find out the one which maximizes the revenue (the optimum resolution).
  • The unsure buyer demand is represented by a random variable d with its corresponding chance density perform f(d) and cumulative distribution perform F(d).
  • The vendor completely is aware of the mounted preliminary price per unit (c), the promoting worth per unit (s), and the salvage worth (u). The salvage worth is the estimated worth of a product on the finish of its helpful life. The routine enterprise state of affairs signifies that the promoting worth is increased than the acquisition price, and this in flip is increased than the salvage worth.
  • Every unit of demand above the stock degree is misplaced as a sale; every unit of demand beneath the stock degree is bought on the salvage worth. If Q > d, (Q — d) items are left over and have to be salvaged by the seller; in any other case, (d — Q) items characterize misplaced gross sales.

A number of extensions to the classical newsvendor drawback have been developed. One in all them entails advertising-sensitive demand: how buyer demand is influenced by promoting and advertising efforts.

This extension fashions the shopper demand as a perform of the advertising efforts. A sure variety of potential prospects obtain the commercial, however the quantity who will make a purchase order resolution will rely on an element named promoting effectiveness. However, there’s the so-called promoting depth associated to the variety of potential prospects to whom the advertising effort might be directed. This parameter will decide the promoting and advertising prices in accordance with the formulation beneath:

Made by the writer

the place α is a continuing.

So, our newsvendor mannequin with advertising-sensitive demand contains the next equations:

1) Cost_per_Order = c * Q

2) Revenue_per_Sales = s * minimal(d, Q)

3) Revenue_per_Salvage = u * most(0, Q — d)

4) Promoting Value = C(AI)

and the revenue equation is:

Revenue = Revenue_per_Sales + Revenue_per_Salvage — Cost_per_Order — Promoting Value

So, the revenue is a perform of the order amount (stock degree) and the shopper demand (promoting depth). We’ll use a Monte Carlo Simulation to estimate the order amount that maximizes the anticipated worth of the revenue for various values of the promoting depth. This calculation might be carried out by sampling over given knowledge and eventualities. Each mixture of an order amount and an promoting depth is a state of affairs.

We’re going to simulate a hypothetical newsvendor drawback utilizing knowledge adopted from Negahban [1].

Our firm wish to know what number of merchandise to order from the provider for promoting them within the upcoming season.

The provider provides us 4 alternate options:

· Alt1: 500 items at a price of $200/unit

· Alt2: 1000 items at a price of $190/unit

· Alt3: 1500 items at a price of $175/unit

· Alt4: 2000 items at a price of $165/unit

We outlined, for every different, the corresponding promoting worth and assumed, initially, a salvage worth equal to 50% of the forecasted promoting worth.

Lastly, we selected six totally different promoting intensities (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%). The next desk exhibits, for every one, the corresponding values of the loc and scale parameters (imply and normal deviation) for the regular distribution that represents the random demand for the totally different intensities.

Made by the writer

We have now 4 provider choices and 6 promoting intensities: this interprets into 24 eventualities. We’re going to replicate 3000 runs for every state of affairs, so the half-width of the arrogance interval for our principal level estimator (revenue) needs to be cheap for our resolution drawback.

The python code for our hypothetical information vendor drawback is as follows:

@writer: darwt# Import Modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import sem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from prettytable import PrettyTable

your_path = 'your_path'

# initialization module

list_Price_Per_Unit = [330, 300, 270, 230]
list_Cost_Per_Unit = [200, 190, 175, 165]

multiplier = 0.50
list_Salvage_Per_Unit = checklist(np.array(list_Price_Per_Unit) * multiplier)
list_advert_intens = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
list_Mean_Normal = [288, 938, 1306, 1691, 1940, 2243]
list_Std_Normal = [211, 262, 281, 308, 294, 289]
length1 = len(list_advert_intens)
list_of_orders = [500,1000,1500,2000]
length2 = len(list_of_orders)
alfa = 0.5
confidence = 0.95 ## chosen by the analyst
# .......................................................
column_labels = ["Advert.Intens.", "Order Quantity",
"Mean","Std.Dev","Var.","Std. Error",
"Median", "Skewness", "Kurtosis",
"CI Half Width", "CI LL", 'CI UL']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=column_labels)

The logic behind the MCS for this explicit newsvendor mannequin is described within the following traces of code:

listM1, listM2, listM3, listM4, listM5, listM6 =[],[],[], [], [], [] 
list_of_Means = [listM1, listM2, listM3, listM4, listM5, listM6]
Number_of_Replications = 3000for i in vary(length1):

for j in vary(length2):
list_of_profits = []
for run in vary(Number_of_Replications):

Qty_Demanded = np.random.regular( loc=list_Mean_Normal[i],scale=list_Std_Normal[i],measurement=1)

if Qty_Demanded >= 0:
Qty_Demanded = int(Qty_Demanded)
Qty_Demanded = 0

Qty_Ordered = list_of_orders[j]

Qty_Sold = np.minimal(Qty_Demanded, Qty_Ordered)
Qty_Left = np.most(0, Qty_Ordered - Qty_Demanded)

Revenue_per_Sales = Qty_Sold * list_Price_Per_Unit[j]
Revenue_per_Salvage= Qty_Left * list_Salvage_Per_Unit[j]

Cost_per_Order = Qty_Ordered * list_Cost_Per_Unit[j]

Cost_per_Advert = alfa * np.log(-1/((list_advert_intens[i]/100)-1))
Cost_per_Advert = Cost_per_Advert * 100000

Revenue = Revenue_per_Sales + Revenue_per_Salvage - Cost_per_Order - Cost_per_Advert


We used Numpy and Scipy to acquire a set of key descriptive statistical measures, significantly the anticipated worth of the income:

        media = np.imply(list_of_profits)
stand = np.std(list_of_profits)
var = np.var(list_of_profits)
std_error = sem(list_of_profits)

median = np.median(list_of_profits)
skew = stats.skew(list_of_profits)
kurt = stats.kurtosis(list_of_profits)

dof = Number_of_Replications - 1
t_crit = np.abs(stats.t.ppf((1-confidence)/2,dof))

half_width = spherical(stand *t_crit/np.sqrt(Number_of_Replications),2)
inf = media - half_width
sup = media + half_width

inf = spherical(float(inf),2)
sup = spherical(float(sup),2)

list_of_statistics = []



df.loc[len(df)] = list_of_statistics


We used Matplotlib to point out a desk with six rows and 4 columns for the 24-scenarios income.

row_list = [str(x) + ' %'     for x in list_advert_intens]
col_list = [str(x) + ' Units' for x in list_of_orders]

subtitle_text = 'Salvage Worth equal to %s' %multiplier +
' of the worth worth'

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
profits_table = ax.desk(cellText = list_of_Means,
rowLabels = row_list,
colLabels = col_list,
rowColours =["skyblue"]*(length1),
colColours =["cyan"]*length2,
cellLoc='middle', loc="middle",
bbox = [0.1, 0, 1.9, 1.0])
ax.set_title(" Income in accordance with Order Amount & Promoting Depth",fontsize=18, y= 1.2 , pad = 4)
plt.figtext(0.5, 0.95,
measurement= 12, fashion='italic',

for (row, col), cell in profits_table.get_celld().objects():
if (row == 0) or (col == -1):

plt.savefig(your_path +'Situations.png',bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150)

Then, we used Matplotlib for plotting the identical knowledge for higher visualization:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for i in vary(len(list_of_Means[0])):
plt.plot(list_advert_intens,[pt[i] for pt in list_of_Means],
label = list_of_orders[i],
linestyle='--', marker = '*')
plt.axhline(y = 0.0, coloration = 'okay', linestyle = '-')

fig.suptitle('Monte Carlo Simulation', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Promoting Depth (%)', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Revenue (U$S)', fontsize=16)

plt.savefig(your_path +'ScenarioChart.png',
bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150)

Lastly, we used PrettyTable for the statistic report akin to the state of affairs with the utmost revenue.

max_profit = df.loc[df["Mean"].idxmax()]

t = PrettyTable(['Statistic', 'Value'])
t.add_row(['Runs', Number_of_Replications])
t.add_row(['Order Quantity',max_profit['Order Quantity']])
t.add_row(['Mean', max_profit['Mean']])
t.add_row(['Median', max_profit['Median']])
t.add_row(['Variance', max_profit['Var.']])
t.add_row(['Stand. Error', max_profit['Std. Error']])
t.add_row(['Skewness', max_profit['Skewness']])
t.add_row(['Kurtosis', max_profit['Kurtosis']])
t.add_row(['Half Width',max_profit['CI Half Width']])
t.add_row(['CI inf', max_profit['CI LL']])
t.add_row(['CI sup', max_profit['CI UL']])



We made 3000 replications for every of the 24 eventualities, appending the statistical measures to a dataframe. Desk 1 exhibits the imply revenue for every state of affairs. The very best numeric resolution entails buying 1500 items and performing a advertising effort with a 25% of promoting depth.

Desk 1, made by the writer with Matplotlib.

Determine 1 exhibits the identical knowledge in linear plots. The chart exhibits that we will scale back the promoting depth to twenty% with out significantly harming our income.

Fig. 1, made by the writer with Matplotlib.

Desk 2 exhibits the half-width of the arrogance interval for the utmost revenue. The half-width of the arrogance interval habitually signifies the precision of the estimate of the measure of efficiency in a simulation research. The half-width proven within the desk meets our precision necessities.

Desk 2, made by the writer with PrettyTable.

Lastly, we repeated the simulation with two totally different percentages for the salvage worth: 25% and 75 % of the initially forecasted promoting worth. Desk 3 exhibits the imply revenue for the brand new eventualities (75%). It may be seen that there are not any modifications in our resolution drawback: we should buy 1500 items and make advertising efforts with a 20% promoting depth.

Desk 3, made by the writer with Matplotlib.

That is one other sensible implementation of a Monte Carlo Simulation to unravel a fancy resolution drawback in a quite simple method. Undoubtedly, it’s a very highly effective method to mannequin, analyze, and compute efficiency metrics for a lot of real-world methods.

Don’t overlook to provide a TIP, significantly when you add the article to an inventory.

[1] Negahban, A. “A hybrid simulation framework for the newsvendor drawback with promoting and viral advertising”. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Convention. R. Pasupathy, S.-H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill, and M. E. Kuhl, eds.



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