Monday, August 29, 2022
HomeGame Developmentmake gentle have an effect on explicit objects Cocos Creator 3.6.0? -...

make gentle have an effect on explicit objects Cocos Creator 3.6.0? – Cocos Creator

Hello, sorry about duplication of my previous query, I can’t reply there any extra:

however now I once more need assistance with this.
The issue I need to create UI what can have 3D meshes, additionally I’ve directional gentle within the scene what rotates each time. The issue is my 3D meshes in UI container impacts by this gentle.

I need to have separate path gentle only for UI 3D objects:

As you see directional gentle shine to the underside, and my timber in 3D scene and timber in UI turn out to be darkish.

I need to make timber in UI be shined by one other static gentle.

I counsel to make use of unlit materials in 3d object seeing by UI digicam. Then you may as well use coloration to regulate its visible manually



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