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HomeProgrammingJavaScript: Verify if all Values in Array are True or False

JavaScript: Verify if all Values in Array are True or False


There are circumstances during which you would possibly have to confirm that many various situations are true, or a variable variety of situations. You may’t often use a easy if assertion for these form of circumstances, which suggests it’s essential retailer the boolean situations in an array. However then how will we examine if all of these situations are true or false?

On this Byte, we’ll discover a number of alternative ways to examine for all true, false, null, truthy, and falsey values in an array.

Checking for All True Values in an Array

Suppose we now have an array of Boolean values and we need to examine if all values within the array are true. We are able to use the Array.prototype.each() perform, which checks whether or not all components within the array cross the take a look at carried out by the offered perform.

This is how you are able to do it:

let booleanArray = [true, true, true, true];

let allTrue = booleanArray.each(val => val === true);

console.log(allTrue); // outputs: true

On this code, Array.prototype.each() checks every worth within the booleanArray to see if it is equal to true. If all values are true, it returns true; in any other case, it returns false.

Verifying All False Values in an Array

Sadly you’ll be able to’t simply take the inverse worth (i.e. !booleanArray.each()) from above, as this downside is not that straightforward. I hate to confess, however this was the naive method I attempted earlier than truly pondering by means of the issue…

Anyway, fortunately we will nonetheless use the Array.prototype.each() perform. This time, we’ll simply examine if every worth is the same as false.

This is the code:

let booleanArray = [false, false, false, false];

let allFalse = booleanArray.each(val => val === false);

console.log(allFalse); // outputs: true

We may simply use booleanArray.each(val => !val), however that might additionally embody null or undefined values. So if the worth should be false, you should be extra specific in your code.

So within the above code, if all values are false, it returns true; in any other case, it returns false.

Notice: One factor to notice that Array.prototype.each() stops checking as quickly because it finds a worth that doesn’t cross the take a look at. In different phrases, it will not examine your entire array if it does not have to.

Inspecting for Null Values in an Array

Typically, we have to examine if an array incorporates any null values. For this, we will use the Array.prototype.contains() perform, which determines whether or not an array features a sure worth amongst its entries.

This is the best way to do it:

let mixedArray = [true, null, false, true];

let containsNull = mixedArray.contains(null);

console.log(containsNull); // outputs: true

On this instance, Array.prototype.contains() checks every worth within the mixedArray to see if it is equal to null. If it finds a null worth, it returns true; in any other case, it returns false.

Confirming All Truthy Values in an Array

In JavaScript, a “truthy” worth is a worth that’s thought of true when encountered in a Boolean context. All values are truthy except they’re outlined as falsy (i.e., aside from false, 0, -0, 0n, "", null, undefined, and NaN).

If you wish to verify that every one values in an array are truthy, you need to use the each() methodology. This methodology checks whether or not all components within the array cross the take a look at carried out by the offered perform. This is how you are able to do it:

let arr = [1, 'hello', {}, [], 'JavaScript', true];

let allTruthy = arr.each(Boolean);

console.log(allTruthy); // true

On this instance, the each() methodology checks every ingredient within the array to see if it is truthy. If all components are truthy, it returns true; in any other case, it returns false.

Validating All Falsy Values in an Array

However, a “falsy” worth is a worth that’s thought of false when encountered in a Boolean context. JavaScript acknowledges false, 0, -0, 0n, "", null, undefined, and NaN as falsy.

To confirm that every one values in an array are falsy, you’ll be able to once more use the each() methodology, however this time with a perform that checks for falsy values:

let arr = [0, '', null, undefined, NaN, false];

let allFalsy = arr.each((val) => !Boolean(val));

console.log(allFalsy); // true

On this code, the each() perform checks every ingredient within the array to see if it is falsy. If all components are falsy, it returns true; in any other case, it returns false.


Checking for truthy or falsy values in an array is a standard activity, and JavaScript gives the each() methodology to make this activity simpler. Through the use of this methodology with an applicable take a look at perform, you’ll be able to verify whether or not all components in an array are truthy or falsy.



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