Thursday, August 4, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentHow you can copy file in native/engine/ios to construct/ios/proj ? cc 3.5.2...

How you can copy file in native/engine/ios to construct/ios/proj ? cc 3.5.2 – Cocos Creator

I’ve a Podfile in folder native/ios . How you can mechanically copy it to folder construct/ios/proj after click on construct in cocos creator ?

There’s a drawback with utilizing CocoaPods with CMake. Each time you regenerate the Xcode venture file with cmake, the earlier CocoaPods settings will probably be reset.

So you might want to allow the choice to skip Xcode venture updates, after which copy the Podfile.

Copying recordsdata could be carried out with add_custom_commands or utilizing the construct plugin.


Thanks for reply. The place to place add_custom_commands code ? is it in native/engine/ios/CMakeLists.txt ? @PatriceJiang

Are you able to write instance for me when use add_custom_commands ? @PatriceJiang



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