Friday, October 21, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentHow you can add steering habits to motion

How you can add steering habits to motion

I’ve carried out a mechanism to maneuver an object in the direction of a goal based mostly on–gamedev-849 the place it says

steering = nothing(); // the null vector, which means "zero drive magnitude"
steering = steering + search();
steering = truncate (steering, max_force)
steering = steering / mass

velocity = truncate (velocity + steering , max_speed)
place = place + velocity

This appears like

double maxSpeed = 5;
double maxForce = 10;
double mass = 1;

// search is the specified goal vector / straight in the direction of the goal
Vector2 search = Vector2(vacation spot.x - supply.x,
    vacation spot.y - supply.y);
if (search.x == 0) {
  search.y = maxSpeed;
} else if (search.y == 0) {
  search.x = maxSpeed;
} else {
  search.x = (search.x / distance) * maxSpeed;
  search.y = (search.y / distance) * maxSpeed;

// calculate steering
Vector2 steering = Vector2(0, 0);
steering += search;
steering = truncate(steering, maxForce);
steering /= mass;

// calculate new velocity based mostly on previous velocity and steering
velocity = truncate(velocity + steering, maxSpeed);
place += velocity;

together with the truncate perform

truncate(Vector2 vi, double maxValue) {
  Vector2 vo = Vector2(vi.x, vi.y);
  if (vo.x > maxValue) {
    vo.x = maxValue;
  if (vo.y > maxValue) {
    vo.y = maxValue;
  return vo;

Essential to note right here is that this code is being run inside the sport loop being up to date on each tick. The velocity Vector is a member of the category thus my concept is to make use of the final path/vector, calculate the brand new path (search) and implement the steering to get one thing in-between.

With out the steering, this works fantastic however as quickly as I allow the steering, the habits is that the objects are transferring zig zag.



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