Wednesday, August 23, 2023
HomeNetworkingHow GitHub Discovered How Onerous Distributed Programs Are « ipSpace.web weblog

How GitHub Discovered How Onerous Distributed Programs Are « ipSpace.web weblog

Anne Baretta discovered a nice video describing the October 2018 GitHub failure. Right here’s the TL&DW:

  • The failure was attributable to a brief (~ 1 minute) disconnect of the first information middle
  • The database replicas failed over to the secondary information middle, however that failover was by no means examined and naturally some stuff didn’t work.
  • Within the meantime, batch jobs modified information within the main information middle, making the 2 replicas out-of-sync.
  • It took them over 24 hours to scrub up the mess.

You REALLY SHOULD watch the video – it properly proves two factors I’ve been making for ages (not that anybody would pay attention):



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