Tuesday, August 16, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentHearken to CurveRange property modification in editor 3.5.2 - Cocos Creator

Hearken to CurveRange property modification in editor 3.5.2 – Cocos Creator

Good day,

In model 3.5.2, whenever you use a CurveRange property with a getter and setter, modifying the mode and modifying the worth in fixed mode execute the setter code, however selecting a curve preset or enhancing a customized curve doesn’t.

Instance :

import { _decorator, Part, Node, CurveRange } from 'cc';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

@ccclass('Take a look at')
export class Take a look at extends Part {
    non-public _curve: CurveRange = new CurveRange();
    protected get curve(): CurveRange {
      return this._curve;
    protected set curve(worth: CurveRange) {
      this._curve = worth;
      console.log('curve modifictaion');

Is that this a bug ? Or is there one other means of listening to the curve modification ?

A workaround could be to make use of the @executeInEditMode() annotation and use the replace technique. The replace is triggered when modifying the curve.
However then I must know whether or not I’m within the editor or at recreation runtime, as I don’t need this code to be executed each body at recreation runtime.
I don’t discover a boolean that may let me know wherein I’m.



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