I made well being property as part, so any object with that property could be broken.
extends Node
class_name Well being, 'res://property/icons/health_ico.png'
var entity
var stats_name
var init_health = 4
var well being = init_health
func _init():
self.stats_name="well being"
func _ready():
entity = get_parent()
self.entity.stats[self.stats_name] = self
print('goal:' + str(entity))
print('me:' + str(self))
func apply_damage(harm = 0):
self.well being -= harm
if well being <= 0:
However the issue is that it doesn’t matter what I am assault, the one one entity obtain all of the harm.
I am positive it is downside as regards to part, however cannot repair it.
The log says that all of them completely different nodes
me:Well being:[Node:29779559624]
me:Well being:[Node:30668752125]