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HomeWeb DevelopmentExploring PrimeVue, a Vue-based UI element library

Exploring PrimeVue, a Vue-based UI element library

Utilizing a component-based frontend makes growing internet apps simpler and extra manageable. Builders can construct a good app in a matter of hours with frameworks like Vue.js, React, and Angular.

Moreover, builders typically use UI libraries with pre-made parts, equivalent to Vuetify, to hurry up and facilitate the event course of much more.

On this tutorial, we’ll discover top-of-the-line Vue-based UI element libraries known as PrimeVue and learn how to use it with Vue 3 to create a pattern app. We are going to cowl:

What’s PrimeVue?

PrimeVue is a member of a household of open supply UI element libraries supplied by PrimeTek.

Moreover the PrimeVue element library, PrimeTek additionally gives variations for Java (PrimeFaces), Angular (PrimeNG), and React (PrimeReact). That is nice as a result of you may change from one framework to a different and nonetheless have nearly similar parts to work with.

PrimeVue gives a wealthy set of greater than 90 responsive UI parts — sufficient to cowl a broad vary of use instances. It additionally provides some distinctive parts like Terminal, a text-based UI, and Dock, a navigation element.

One other advantage of PrimeVue is that it’s design-agnostic, so you aren’t constrained to Materials or Bootstrap-like kinds. There are tons of various themes you may select from on your app, or you may construct your individual.

PrimeVue provides nice documentation for every element with devoted examples for each Choices API and Composition API. Documentation is brief, clear, and straightforward to each comply with and perceive.

Exploring the PrimeVue ecosystem

PrimeVue comes with some nice additions to the principle library, together with PrimeIcons, PrimeFlex, Theme Designer, Templates, and Blocks. Let’s go over every of those in additional element.


PrimeIcons is a set of over 200 generally used icons you need to use with all Prime UI libraries. Due to PrimeIcons, you don’t want so as to add third-party packages like Font Superior to entry and show icons in your utility.


PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library, just like TailwindCSS. It’s good match for PrimeVue.

Usually, most UI libraries (together with PrimeVue) have roughly opinionated kinds for his or her parts, which are sometimes exhausting to tweak. That is the place a library like PrimeFlex may also help.

Utility lessons provide the skill to regulate or change element’s look rapidly and simply. As a bonus, PrimeFlex seamlessly integrates with PrimeVue and different family members.

Theme Designer

Theme Designer is a web-based instrument that offers you full management over how parts will look in your utility. Should you don’t wish to use PrimeFlex, then the PrimeVue Visible Theme Designer may also help you to create the feel and appear you’re striving for.

This handy instrument requires a license to make use of all its options.


You’ll be able to select from a assortment of Templates on your Vue app. Whereas these templates are handy, a lot of the PrimeVue templates are for buy solely, beginning at round $19.


PrimeBlocks for PrimeVue is a set of over 350 ready-to-use UI blocks, equivalent to layouts, navigations, varieties, pages, and so forth. Although there are some free blocks, you will want a license to entry the complete assortment.

Extra nice articles from LogRocket:

Be aware that the final three assets — Theme Designer, Templates, and PrimeBlocks — are principally paid. Nonetheless, there’s a lot you may obtain by PrimeVue with no need to pay for added options.

Now, when we’ve got an excellent understanding what PrimeVue is and what goodies it gives, let’s discover learn how to use this library’s parts.

Getting began with PrimeVue and Vue 3

To get began, we’ll use Vite to scaffold a brand new Vue venture. Run the next in your terminal:

npm create [email protected]

After following the prompts to finish scaffolding, navigate to the venture and set up the dependencies:

cd your-project
npm set up

Now let’s add PrimeVue, PrimeIcons, and PrimeFlex to the venture by working the next instructions:

npm set up [email protected]^3.15.0 
npm set up primeicons 
npm set up primeflex

Subsequent, let’s take a look at an instance of importing a PrimeVue element. Open principal.js and exchange its content material with the next:

import {createApp} from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config'  // import PrimeVue

// import CSS assets
import 'primevue/assets/primevue.min.css'            // core 
import 'primevue/assets/themes/saga-blue/theme.css'  // theme
import 'primeicons/primeicons.css'                      // icons
import '/node_modules/primeflex/primeflex.css'          // PrimeFlex

import Button from 'primevue/button'  // import Button element

const app = createApp(App)  // create new Vue app

app.use(PrimeVue)  // register PrimeVue

app.element('Button', Button)  // register Button element

app.mount('#app')  // mount the app

Now you need to use the PrimeVue Button element in Vue templates like this:

<Button label="Submit" />

That is how straightforward is to make use of PrimeVue parts. Merely import and register them, and they’re prepared to be used.

Be aware that to get code completion and snippets assist for PrimeFlex utility lessons, you may set up the official extension for VS Code.

Constructing a easy note-taking app with PrimeVue and Vue 3

On this part, we’ll discover PrimeVue parts additional by constructing a easy note-taking app.

Here’s a preview of what we’re going to construct:

Preview Of Six Notes Displayed In Notes Writer App With Options To Create New Note, View All Notes, View Favorite Notes, Filter By Tag, Search Notes

Customers will be capable of create, edit, and delete notes. Every be aware will comprise a title, some content material, and a tag or tags.

We can even add performance for looking out notes utilizing a search bar and filtering them by tag, plus the flexibility so as to add notes to a “Favorites” assortment, which may be explored independently.

Importing and registering PrimeVue parts

For this app, we’ll use a bunch of PrimeVue parts. To import and register these parts, exchange the content material of principal.js file with the next:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config'

import 'primevue/assets/primevue.min.css'
import 'primevue/assets/themes/lara-dark-blue/theme.css'
import 'primeicons/primeicons.css' 
import '/node_modules/primeflex/primeflex.css'

import Panel from 'primevue/panel'
import Toolbar from 'primevue/toolbar'
import Button from 'primevue/button'
import Dropdown from 'primevue/dropdown'
import AutoComplete from 'primevue/autocomplete'
import Card from 'primevue/card'
import Tag from 'primevue/tag'
import Dialog from 'primevue/dialog'
import Inplace from 'primevue/inplace'
import InputText from 'primevue/inputtext'
import Editor from 'primevue/editor'
import Chips from 'primevue/chips'

import Tooltip from 'primevue/tooltip'

const app = createApp(App)


app.element('Panel', Panel)
app.element('Toolbar', Toolbar)
app.element('Button', Button)
app.element('Dropdown', Dropdown)
app.element('AutoComplete', AutoComplete)
app.element('Card', Card)
app.element('Tag', Tag)
app.element('Dialog', Dialog)
app.element('Inplace', Inplace)
app.element('InputText', InputText)
app.element('Editor', Editor)
app.element('Chips', Chips)

app.directive('tooltip', Tooltip)


Within the code above, we added all the mandatory parts, plus the Tooltip directive.

The following step is to rename the HelloWord.vue file inside parts listing to NotesWriter.vue. Then, edit the App.vue file to replicate the modified filename:

<script setup>
// This starter template is utilizing Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
// Try
import NotesWriter from './parts/NotesWriter.vue'
  <NotesWriter />

Now, we’re prepared to begin the enjoyable half.

Organising our app

Open the NotesWriter.vue file and exchange its content material with the next:

><script setup>
import { ref, reactive, computed, onMounted, watchEffect } from 'vue'

// Native storage setup
const STORAGE_KEY = 'notes'
const notes = ref(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) || '[]'))
watchEffect(() => {
  localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(notes.worth))

// Get present state
const currentNotes = ref()
const currentNote = reactive({
  id: null,
  title: 'Give me a reputation',
  content material: '',
  tags: [],
  fav: false

// Get notes
onMounted(() => {
operate allNotes() {
  currentNotes.worth = notes.worth
operate favNotes() {
  currentNotes.worth = notes.worth.filter((be aware) => be aware.fav === true)

// Dialog logic
const displayDialog = ref(false)
operate openDialog() {
  displayDialog.worth = true
operate closeDialog() {
  displayDialog.worth = false


To start with of the code above, we imported all of the Vue features and utilities we’ll want.

Then, we arrange native storage for the notes. Notes can be fetched from the native storage for the consumer to view or edit. The storage will then be up to date on adjustments through the use of the watchEffect operate.

The watchEffect operate runs each time any of its dependencies are modified. In our case, the dependency is the notes array.

Subsequent, we outlined two variables: currentNotes can be used to show the present filtered notes assortment, and currentNote can be used after we create or edit a single be aware.

Within the subsequent part, we used onMounted hook to load notes on element mounting.

With the allNotes operate, we are able to assign notes to currentNotes so we are able to render all created notes. With the favNotes operate, we are able to filter the notes array to get all notes with the fav key set to true, then assign the end result to currentNotes so we are able to render them within the “Favorites” assortment.

The final a part of the code units the logic for the Dialog element, which we’ll use to create and edit notes.

Now, let’s add the element templates.

Including PrimeVue element templates

Put the next code after the script tag:

    <Panel header="Notes Author">
      <Toolbar class="mb-6">
        <template #begin>
          <Button class="mr-3" label="New" icon="pi pi-plus" @click on="addNote" />
          <span class="p-buttonset">
            <Button class="p-button-success" label="All notes" icon="pi pi-list" @click on="allNotes" />
            <Button class="p-button-danger" label="Favorites" icon="pi pi-heart" @click on="favNotes" />
        <template #finish>
          <!-- Add filter and search performance right here afterward -->
      <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-content-around gap-3">
        <div class="text-xl" v-if="!notes.size">No notes have been created but. Hit the <b>New</b> button to create one.</div>
        <Card class="w-3 bg-bluegray-900 shadow-4" v-for="(be aware, index) in currentNotes" :key="index">
          <template #title>
            {{ be aware.title }}
          <template #subtitle>
            <Tag class="mr-2" :worth="tag" v-for="tag in be aware.tags"></Tag>
          <template #content material>
            <div class="overflow-hidden max-h-5rem" v-html="be aware.content material"></div>
          <template #footer>
            <Button class="p-button-rounded p-button-text" v-tooltip.backside="'Edit'" icon="pi pi-pencil" @click on="editNote(be aware)" />
            <Button class="p-button-rounded p-button-text p-button-danger" v-tooltip.backside="'Add to Favorites'" :icon="be aware.fav ? 'pi pi-heart-fill' : 'pi pi-heart'" @click on="be aware.fav = !be aware.fav" />
            <Button class="p-button-rounded p-button-text text-red-500" v-tooltip.backside="'Delete'" icon="pi pi-trash" @click on="removeNote(be aware)" />
    <!-- Add Dialog element right here afterward -->

Within the code above, we wrapped our app right into a Panel element and set the app’s title through the use of the header property. Then, we used a Toolbar element so as to add the mandatory buttons.

We added some backside margin to the toolbar through the use of the PrimeFlex utility class (mb-6). It will add some area between the toolbar and notes.

The Toolbar element has two slots, begin and finish, which serve to place toolbar components on the left and proper sides, respectively. We used the begin slot right here so as to add a single button for creating new notes in addition to a button set for “All notes” and “Favorites” buttons.

To make use of PrimeIcons, we have to add the icon property for a specific element and set its worth following this sample: pi pi-[icon-name]. On this case, we set the primary button element’s icon like this: pi pi-plus.

For every button, we assigned the corresponding operate to the click on occasion handler.

We’ll create the addNote button within the subsequent part. We’ll additionally use the finish slot of the Toolbar element later so as to add inputs for looking out and filtering notes.

After caring for the buttons within the code above, we used a wrapping div for notes, which makes use of flex utility lessons to type the notes correctly. Then, we’ve got one other div that reveals a message if no notes have been created but (i.e., if the notes array is empty).

Subsequent, we used a Card element to symbolize a single be aware. We are able to iterate on currentNotes and use the cardboard’s slots (title, subtitle, content material, footer) to populate the be aware’s knowledge, utilizing a Tag element to render be aware’s tags and a v-html directive to show the be aware’s content material as HTML.

Lastly, we used the Tooltip directive so as to add a touch to every button. For the “Add to Favorites” button, we used a ternary operator to test be aware’s fav worth and set the suitable icon accordingly. On every click on, the be aware’s fav worth is modified from true to false or vice versa.

I’ve used a number of utility lessons within the above template to make the design a bit extra nice. PrimeVue additionally use its personal lessons, which you’ll acknowledge by the p prefix — for instance, as in p-buttonset.

Let’s see what we’ve carried out to date. Run the venture with the next command:

npm run dev

Once you go to the app’s deal with ( it is best to see the next in your browser window:

Notes Writer App With Basic Setup But No Filter By Tag Or Search Option And No Created Notes Displayed

Fairly cool!

Creating features for including, modifying, saving, and eradicating notes

Add the next contained in the script tag:

// Notes actions 
const isNewNote = ref(false)
operate addNote() {
  isNewNote.worth = true =
  currentNote.title="Give me a reputation"
  currentNote.content material=""
  currentNote.tags = []
  currentNote.fav = false
operate editNote(be aware) { = be
  currentNote.title = be aware.title
  currentNote.content material = be aware.content material 
  currentNote.tags = be aware.tags
  currentNote.fav = be aware.fav

Right here, we first set an isNewNote variable, which can be used to outline whether or not we’re creating a brand new be aware or modifying an present one.

Subsequent, within the addNote operate, we arrange currentNote with preliminary values after which opened the dialog. We additionally set isNewNote to true to point that we wish to create a brand new be aware.

Within the editNote operate, we assigned the information from edited be aware to the currentNote in order that after we open the dialog, it should present the edited be aware’s knowledge.

Let’s add the remainder of the actions:

operate saveNote() {
  if (isNewNote.worth === false) {
    let be aware = aware) => be ===
    let editedNote = Object.assign({}, currentNote)
    notes.worth.splice(notes.worth.indexOf(be aware), 1, editedNote)
    currentNotes.worth[currentNotes.value.indexOf(note)] = editedNote
  } else {
    let newNote = Object.assign({}, currentNote)
    isNewNote.worth = false
operate removeNote(be aware) {
  if (currentNotes.worth === notes.worth) {
    notes.worth.splice(notes.worth.indexOf(be aware), 1)
  } else {
    notes.worth.splice(notes.worth.indexOf(be aware), 1)
    currentNotes.worth.splice(currentNotes.worth.indexOf(be aware), 1)

The saveNote operate above first checks whether or not we saved the edited be aware — in different phrases, if the worth of isNewNote is false. In that case, we get the be aware through the use of the Then we clone the currentNote through the use of Object.assign().

We do that to interrupt the hyperlink between the currentNote and the edited be aware. They’re linked as a result of in JavaScript, objects are copied by reference; after we edit the supply object, the copied object is up to date too, and vice versa.

Then we up to date our notes and currentNotes arrays. We have to replace each for the adjustments to be seen after we see all notes in addition to filtered notes.

If we save a brand new be aware, we push it to the notes array and set isNewNote again to false.

Within the removeNote operate, we test if currentNotes and notes are equal. In that case, we have to replace solely notes. If not, we have to replace each notes and currentNotes for a similar motive talked about above relating to the saveNote operate.

Utilizing PrimeVue parts for our notes modifying interface

Within the subsequent part, we’ll use the Editor element, which has the Quill textual content editor as a dependency. We have to set up it first, so cease the app and run the next:

npm set up quill

Now run the app once more with the npm run dev command.

Nice! Now let’s add the code for the dialog. Add the next after the Panel element:

<Dialog header="Be aware" v-model:seen="displayDialog" :breakpoints="{'960px': '75vw', '640px': '90vw'}" :type="{width: '50vw'}" :maximizable="true" :modal="true">
  <Inplace :closable="true">
    <template #show>
      <span class="text-xl">{{ currentNote.title }}</span>
    <template #content material>
      <InputText v-model="currentNote.title" />
  <Editor class="my-4" v-model="currentNote.content material" editorStyle="top: 320px">
    <template #toolbar>
      <span class="ql-formats">
        <button class="ql-bold" v-tooltip.backside="'Daring'"></button>
        <button class="ql-italic" v-tooltip.backside="'Italic'"></button>
        <button class="ql-underline" v-tooltip.backside="'Underline'"></button>
  <span class="p-float-label">
    <Chips v-model="currentNote.tags" separator="," /> 
    <label for="chips">Add tags...</label>
  <template #footer>
    <Button class="p-button-text" label="Cancel" icon="pi pi-times" @click on="closeDialog" />
    <Button label="Save" icon="pi pi-check" @click on="saveNote" />

Right here, we used the Dialog element so as to add an modifying interface for the notes. It should open a modal window wherein we are able to edit be aware’s title, content material, and tags. We’re doing a number of issues with this element:

  • Utilizing the displayDialog variable to open or shut the dialog
  • Making the dialog responsive by including some breakpoints
  • Setting the modal and maximizable properties to true

We additionally used the Inplace element for title modifying together with the InputText element. This permits the consumer to edit the title by merely clicking on it, then clicking the shut button when completed.

Then, we used an Editor element for the be aware’s content material. We’ve added solely three formatting buttons, which is totally sufficient for easy notes.

Subsequent, we created a float-label enter the place we are able to add tags to our notes through the use of the Chips element. So as to add tags, we have to separate them with commas.

And lastly, we added two buttons within the footer to Cancel be aware creation or Save a created be aware.

Right here is how the Dialog element seems after we create a brand new be aware:

Opened Dialog Component For New Note Creation With Prompt To Name Note, Space To Write Note, Prompt To Add Tags, Buttons To Cancel Or Save Note, And Basic Styling Buttons For Bold, Italics, And Underlined Text

And after we edit the be aware:

Notes Writer App With Open Dialog Box And Note Being Edited With Title, Note Text, And Two Tags For Vue And Primevue

Right here is how the created be aware seems:

Notes Writer App With One Saved Note Displayed Titled Primevue Note With Some Text And Tags

Now we are able to create as many notes as we want utilizing our app. Nonetheless, as we add notes, it should change into tougher to seek out those you want. That’s why the final step in constructing the app is so as to add looking out and filtering capabilities.

Including looking out and filtering capabilities

Add this code contained in the script tag:

// Filter notes logic
const selectedTag = ref()
const tags = computed(() => {
  let allTags = [] aware) => allTags = allTags.concat(be aware.tags))
  let uniqueTags = [ Set(allTags)]
  return uniqueTags 
operate filterNotes() {
  currentNotes.worth = notes.worth.filter((be aware) => be aware.tags.consists of(selectedTag.worth))

Right here, we created a computed fixed known as tags that will get all tags from all notes, then removes the repeated tags by creating a brand new Set(), which may comprise solely distinctive objects.

Then, we outlined a filterNotes operate, which permits us to get all notes with a particular tag.

Now add the next contained in the #finish template within the toolbar element:

<template #finish>
  <div class="flex">
    <Dropdown class="mr-3" v-model="selectedTag" :choices="tags" placeholder="Filter by tag" @change="filterNotes" @blur="selectedTag = ''" />

Right here, we used a Dropdown element to permit us to pick out the tag we wish. On @blur, we set the selectedTag to an empty string so the enter can be cleared.

Subsequent, add the next contained in the script tag:

// Search notes logic
const foundNotes = ref()
operate searchNote(occasion) {
  setTimeout(() => {
    if (occasion.question.trim().size) {
      foundNotes.worth = notes.worth.filter((be aware) => {
        return be aware.title.toLowerCase().startsWith(occasion.question.toLowerCase())
  }, 250)
const selectedNote = ref()
operate searchNotes() {
  currentNotes.worth = [notes.value.find((note)=>note.title === selectedNote.value.title)]

Within the code above, in our searchNote operate, we first added a setTimeout operate so as to add a brief delay earlier than the element shows the search outcomes.

We are able to use the searchNote operate to test if the enter question is just not empty through the use of the occasion parameter. If the enter question is just not empty, we filter the notes by the question.

We then outlined a searchNotes operate, which permits us to discover a be aware by its title and put it in an array that we assign to currentNotes.

The very last thing we have to do is so as to add the AutoComplete element within the template, which we are going to add after the Dropdown element:

<div class="flex">
  <Dropdown class="mr-3" v-model="selectedTag" :choices="tags" placeholder="Filter by tag" @change="filterNotes" @blur="selectedTag = ''" />
  <div class="p-inputgroup">
    <span class="p-inputgroup-addon">
      <i class="pi pi-search"></i>
    <AutoComplete placeholder="Search notes..." subject="title" v-model="selectedNote" :options="foundNotes" @full="searchNote($occasion)" @item-select="searchNotes" @blur="selectedNote=""" />

Within the code above, we used an AutoComplete element with an InputGroup element, which provides an icon earlier than the enter.

Right here is how the app seems like with Dropdown and AutoComplete parts added:

Notes Writer App With Dropdown And Autocomplete Components Added And One Saved Note

Testing and previewing app options

Now that we’re completed with the code for our venture, we are able to check and preview the completely different options we added. The picture under reveals the outcomes of filtering our notes by the Vue tag:

Notes Writer App With Three Results Displayed After Filtering By Vue Tag

After we search our notes, we should always see some options pop up beneath the “Search notes…” placeholder:

Notes Writer App With Popup Suggestions Under Search Bar And Six Notes Displayed

After including an enter question, the app ought to show the discovered be aware, like so:

Notes Writer App With Input Query In Search Bar And One Found Note

After clicking the “Favorites” button, the app ought to show the “Favorites” assortment, like so:

Notes Writer App With Three Notes Displayed Filtered By Favorites Collection


As we noticed, PrimeVue is a component-rich UI library that provides an entire UI constructing answer, distinctive parts, straightforward theming, and nice documentation.

We’ve gone by constructing a easy however practical note-taking app that makes use of a number of PrimeVue parts. We realized learn how to mix them collectively to create the options we wish for our app.

Armed with this data and PrimeVue intensive documentation, you can begin constructing your individual much more advanced apps. Glad coding!

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