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HomeData ScienceException Dealing with in C++. Introduction to Error Dealing with in C++...

Exception Dealing with in C++. Introduction to Error Dealing with in C++ | by Sadrach Pierre, Ph.D. | Jul, 2022

Introduction to Error Dealing with in C++

Picture by SHVETS Manufacturing on Pexels

In laptop programming, exception dealing with is the method of coping with errors in a program such that it capabilities beneath uncommon situations. Additional, it clearly explains why this system did not the person. In lots of situations, a software program program will get unhealthy knowledge or different uncommon situations that affect the code’s skill to run efficiently.

Because of this, exception dealing with is essential to software program improvement as a result of reliably dealing with errors can forestall software program applications from exhibiting unintended habits. Implementing error dealing with properly ideally ensures code will efficiently run beneath any situation.

Examples of unintended habits embody a program operating slowly or failing upon receiving unhealthy enter. Within the case of unhealthy enter, take into account a perform that’s used to take an actual valued quantity (float) as person enter, carry out a calculation, and return the consequence worth. If the perform expects a floating level worth however as an alternative receives a string, the perform will throw an error and fail. Error exception dealing with can be utilized to take care of circumstances like this. If a person inputs a foul worth like a string, this system will return a significant message as an alternative of failing or offering an unclear system error message.

In C++, exception dealing with makes use of the expressions Attempt, Throw and Catch. The Attempt expression identifies the block of code that will have error exceptions. It could comprise logic comparable to divide two numbers or iterate over a listing over numbers. The Throw expression handles the exception. For instance, when your code tries to divide two numbers however the denominator is zero, you may throw an error message comparable to “Can’t divide by Zero.” Lastly, the Catch expression handles the error. These expressions can deal with quite a lot of exceptions in C++, together with size errors for arrays and vectors.

Right here, we’ll stroll via some easy examples of how you can implement exception dealing with in C++. First, we’ll take into account a runtime error instance. We are going to outline a perform that takes peak and weight as inputs and calculates physique mass index. The components for BMI is weight divided by peak squared. If a worth of zero is handed as an argument to the perform, the code will try to divide by zero. We are going to use strive, catch and throw to deal with the runtime error. Lastly, we’ll stroll via a further instance of exception dealing with with size errors. Each of those examples ought to present a very good place to begin for the developer simply getting began with exception dealing with in C++.

Runtime exception dealing with

To show exception dealing with for runtime error, we’ll stroll via constructing a easy BMI calculator utility. The app will take the person’s title, weight and peak as inputs and show the calculated BMI. First, let’s stroll via how you can construct out the appliance with none exception dealing with.

To start out, let’s write a script that we are going to name bmi.cpp. We are going to embody <iostream> and <string> headings. The <iostream> heading permits us to write down to the usual enter/output streams. The <string> heading permits us to outline string identifiers.

#embody <iostream>
#embody <string>
utilizing namespace std;

When compiled and executed, this system will ask for the person’s title. To do that, we have to outline a string variable for title and two float variables for weight and peak, respectively:

// Primary() perform: the place the execution of program beginsint essential(){string title;
float weight;
float peak;

Subsequent, let’s add the logic for asking for the person’s title:

// Primary() perform: the place the execution of program beginsint essential(){string title;
float weight;
float peak;
cout << "Please Enter your Title n";
cin >> title;

To compile our code, we run the next command in terminal:

g++ bmi.cpp

And we execute utilizing the next command:


We get the next output:

Picture by Creator

Now, let’s write logic that greets the person upon coming into their title and asks for his or her weight:

// Primary() perform: the place the execution of program beginsint essential(){string title;
float weight;
float peak;
cout << "Please Enter your Title n";
cin >> title;
cout << "Hey "<< title << ", please enter your weight in Kg n";

If we compile and execute, we get the next:

Picture by Creator

We will then add the logic for weight as a person enter:

int essential(){string title;
float weight;
float peak;
cout << "Please Enter your Title n";
cin >> title;
cout << "Hey "<< title << ", please enter your weight in Kg n";
cin >> weight;

The person will likely be prompted to enter a worth for weight. Now, let’s embody logic in order that, upon offering a weight in kg, we ask the person for his or her peak in meters:

int essential(){string title;
float weight;
float peak;
cout << "Please Enter your Title n";
cin >> title;
cout << "Hey "<< title << ", please enter your weight in Kg n";
cin >> weight;
cout << "Thanks "<< title << ", now please enter your peak in meters n";
cin >> peak;
Picture by Creator

Now we will use this knowledge to calculate a BMI. The components for BMI is weight/height2. I enter the values Sadrach for my title, 90 kg for my weight and 1.92 m for my peak:

int essential(){string title;
float weight;
float peak;
cout << "Please Enter your Title n";
cin >> title;
cout << "Hey "<< title << ", please enter your weight in Kg n";
cin >> weight;
cout << "Thanks "<< title << ", now please enter your peak in meters n";
cin >> peak;
bmi = weight/(peak*peak);
cout << "Your BMI is: "<< bmi <<"n";

With a peak of 1.92 m and weight of 90 kg, we will calculate a BMI of 24.4:

Picture by Creator

Now, let’s strive passing a worth of zero for peak:

Picture by Creator

We see that, upon coming into zero for peak, we’ve got a BMI calculation of “inf,” that means infinity. This clearly isn’t a helpful worth for the person and should solely trigger confusion. As a substitute of displaying infinity, we must always attempt to catch this error and show a message to the person saying that they supplied an invalid worth for peak. We will do that by catching a runtime error:

First, on the high of our script, we have to import ‘stdexcept’ to make use of runtime_error:


Subsequent, we will rewrite the logic for our BMI calculation in a perform:

float BMI_calculator(float weight, float peak){if (peak == 0){throw runtime_error("You tried to calculate BMI with an invalid worth of zero for peak n");}return weight/(peak*peak);}

We will then modify our essential perform to attempt to calculate BMI:

strive{bmi = BMI_calculator(weight, peak);
cout << "Your BMI is: "<< bmi <<"n";

And catch the runtime error when it happens. If it happens, we show the textual content “Warning: You tried to calculate BMI with an invalid worth of zero for peak”

catch (runtime_error&e){cout<< "Warning: "<< e.what();}

We then compile and execute our code, passing in zero as our enter for peak. We get the next show message:

Picture by Creator

We see that this message is way more descriptive and helpful than the unique show message “Your BMI is: inf.”

Size Error Exception Dealing with

One other widespread exception is the size error exception with vectors. To show the incidence of this sort of error, we’ll outline a perform that calculates the sum of month-to-month contributions to a retirement account. First, let’s outline a C++ script known as retirement_contributions.cpp.

Let’s add our essential perform in addition to add the required <iostream> heading, a <vector> heading that can enable us to outline vectors, :

#embody <iostream>
#embody <stdexcept> // std::out_of_range
#embody <vector>
utilizing namespace std;int essential(){}

Let’s add logic so {that a} person can specify the variety of months over which they wish to calculate the overall retirement contribution:

#embody <iostream>
#embody <stdexcept> // std::out_of_range
#embody <vector>
utilizing namespace std;int essential(){int months;
cout << "Please enter the variety of months n";
cin >> months;

Subsequent, let’s outline a vector that’s the dimension of the variety of months. The vector will comprise greenback quantity contributions so it will likely be a vector of floats:

int essential(){int months;cout << "Please enter the variety of months n";
cin >> months;
std::vector<float> contributions(months);

Let’s initialize a variable known as present month, which would be the index we’ll use to iterate over our array:

int current_month = 1;

Let’s then outline the primary factor of our array as our preliminary contribution:

contributions[1] = initial_contrbution;

And inside some time loop, whereas the present month is lower than the overall variety of months, we improve subsequent contributions by 2 p.c:

whereas (current_month <= months){contributions[current_month + 1] =1.02*contributions[current_month];}

We will additionally show every month’s contribution whereas incrementally growing our index by one:

whereas (current_month <= months){contributions[current_month + 1] =1.02*contributions[current_month];cout << "Month "<< current_month << "contribution is: "<< contributions[current_month]<< endl;current_month++;}

So, the complete script is as follows:

int essential(){int months;int current_month = 1;cout << "Please enter the variety of months n";
cin >> months;
std::vector<float> contributions(months);
float initial_contrbution = 100;
contributions[1] = initial_contrbution;
whereas (current_month <= months){contributions[current_month + 1] =1.02*contributions[current_month];cout << "Month "<< current_month << "contribution is: "<< contributions[current_month]<< endl;current_month++;}}

If we compile and execute this script utilizing an enter worth of 5 months, we get the next output:

Picture by Creator

From right here, we will calculate the sum of contributions. Let’s initialize a float variable we’ll use to retailer the sum and, throughout the whereas loop, calculate it:

int essential(){int months;
int current_month = 1;
cout << "Please enter the variety of months n";
cin >> months;
std::vector<float> contributions(months);
float initial_contrbution = 100;
float sum_contributions = 0;
contributions[1] = initial_contrbution;
whereas (current_month <= months){contributions[current_month + 1] =1.02*contributions[current_month];cout << "Month "<< current_month << "contribution is: "<< contributions[current_month]<< endl;sum_contributions += contributions[current_month];current_month++;}cout<<"Sum of contributions for "<< months << "months is: "<<sum_contributions << endl;}
Picture by Creator

Now let’s take into account an distinctive case. Suppose a person unintentionally inputs a adverse worth, let’s say adverse 5, for months. We get the next std::length_error:

Picture by Creator

We see that our code fails with a cryptic message associated to the size of our vector, std::length_error. It is because we will outline a vector with a size of adverse 5. We will use exception dealing with to resolve circumstances like this:

strive{std::vector<float> contributions(months); //float contributions[months];float initial_contrbution = 100;
float sum_contributions = 0;
contributions[1] = initial_contrbution;
whereas (current_month <= months){contributions[current_month + 1] =1.02*contributions[current_month];cout << "Month "<< current_month << "contribution is: "<< contributions[current_month]<< endl;sum_contributions += contributions[current_month];current_month++;}cout<<"Sum of contributions for "<< months << "months is: "<<sum_contributions << endl;catch (const std::length_error& le) {std::cerr << "Size of "<< le.what() << "can’t be adverse n";}

So, the complete script is as follows:

int essential(){int months;
int current_month = 1;
cout << "Please enter the variety of months n";
cin >> months;
strive{std::vector<float> contributions(months); //float contributions[months];float initial_contrbution = 100;
float sum_contributions = 0;
contributions[1] = initial_contrbution;
whereas (current_month <= months){contributions[current_month + 1] =1.02*contributions[current_month];
cout << "Month "<< current_month << "contribution is: "<< contributions[current_month]<< endl;
sum_contributions += contributions[current_month];
}cout<<"Sum of contributions for "<< months << "months is: "<<sum_contributions << endl;catch (const std::length_error& le) {std::cerr << "Size of "<< le.what() << "can’t be adverse n";}}}

Now, if we compile, execute, and move in a adverse worth for months, we appropriately deal with the error:

Picture by Creator

We see that by appropriately dealing with the size error, we’re in a position to show a descriptive message to the person.

The scripts used on this weblog can be found on GitHub.


Exception dealing with is a vital a part of software program programming. It permits builders to deal with sudden habits of code, anomalous inputs, sudden runtimes, and way more.

It’s usually a helpful safeguard in opposition to code failing to run efficiently. Additional, distinctive circumstances usually end in cryptic or exhausting to grasp system generated errors. Opaque, system-generated error messages may be irritating to customers, builders and engineers. If a person unintentionally gives a foul enter worth, it’s best to have measures for dealing with some of these values and offering a significant message to the person as to why the error occurred. Understanding exception dealing with is necessary for software program builders, software program engineers and even for machine studying engineers and knowledge scientists.

If you’re studying in regards to the fundamentals of python programming, knowledge manipulation with Pandas, and machine studying in python try Python for Information Science and Machine Studying: Python Programming, Pandas and Scikit-learn Tutorials for Newbies. I hope you discovered this submit helpful/fascinating.

This submit was initially printed on the BuiltIn weblog. The unique piece may be discovered right here.



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