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Efficiency comparability: Reduct Storage vs. Minio

We regularly use blob storage like S3, If we have to retailer information of various codecs and sizes someplace within the cloud or in our inner storage. Minio is a S3 suitable storage which you’ll be able to run in your non-public cloud, bare-metal server and even on an edge system. You may also adapt it to maintain historic information as time collection of blobs. Probably the most simple answer could be to create a folder for every information supply and save objects with timestamps of their names:

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If it is advisable to question information, you need to request an inventory of objects within the cv_camera folder and filter them with names that are within the given time interval.
This strategy is straightforward for implementation, nevertheless it has some disadvantages:

  • the extra objects the folder has, the longer the querying is.
  • huge overhead for small objects: timestamps as strings and minimal file dimension is 1Kb or 512 because of the block dimension of the file system
  • FIFO quota, to take away outdated information once we attain some restrict, might not work for intensive write operations.

Reduct Storage goals to resolve these points. It has a powerful FIFO quota, an HTTP API for querying information through time intervals, and it composes objects (or data) into blocks for an environment friendly disk utilization and search.

Minio and Reduct Storage have Python SDKs, so we will use them for implementation write and skim operations and examine the efficiency.

Learn/Write Information With Minio

For benchmarks, we create two capabilities to write down and skim CHUNK_COUNT chunks:

from minio import Minio
import time

minio_client = Minio("", access_key="minioadmin", secret_key="minioadmin", safe=False)

def write_to_minio():
    rely = 0
    for i in vary(CHUNK_COUNT):
        rely += CHUNK_SIZE
        object_name = f"information/{str(int(time.time_ns() / 1000))}.bin"
        minio_client.put_object(BUCKET_NAME, object_name, io.BytesIO(CHUNK),
    return rely  # rely information to print it in principal perform

def read_from_minio(t1, t2):
    rely = 0

    t1 = str(int(t1 * 1000_000))
    t2 = str(int(t2 * 1000_000))

    for obj in minio_client.list_objects("take a look at", prefix="information/"):
        if t1 <= obj.object_name[5:-4] <= t2:
            resp = minio_client.get_object("take a look at", obj.object_name)
            rely += len(resp.learn())

    return rely
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You possibly can that minio_client would not present any API question information with patterns, so we’ve to browse the entire folder on the shopper aspect to search out the wanted object. If in case you have billions of objects, it stops working. You need to retailer object paths in a while collection database or create a hierarchy of folders, e.g., create a folder per day.

Learn/Write Information With Reduct Storage

With Reduct Storage this can be a method simpler:

from reduct import Consumer as ReductClient
reduct_client = ReductClient("")

async def write_to_reduct():
    rely = 0
    bucket = await reduct_client.create_bucket("take a look at", exist_ok=True)
    for i in vary(CHUNK_COUNT):
        await bucket.write("information", CHUNK)
        rely += CHUNK_SIZE
    return rely

async def read_from_reduct(t1, t2):
    rely = 0
    bucket = await reduct_client.get_bucket("take a look at")
    async for rec in bucket.question("information", int(t1 * 1000000), int(t2 * 1000000)):
        rely += len(await rec.read_all())
    return rely
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When we’ve the write/learn capabilities, we will lastly write our benchmarks:

import io
import random
import time
import asyncio

from minio import Minio
from reduct import Consumer as ReductClient

CHUNK_SIZE = 100000
BUCKET_NAME = "take a look at"

CHUNK = random.randbytes(CHUNK_SIZE)

minio_client = Minio("", access_key="minioadmin", secret_key="minioadmin", safe=False)
reduct_client = ReductClient("")

# Our perform have been right here..

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Chunk dimension={CHUNK_SIZE/1000_000} Mb, rely={CHUNK_COUNT}")
    ts = time.time()
    dimension = write_to_minio()
    print(f"Write {dimension / 1000_000} Mb to Minio: {time.time() - ts} s")

    ts_read = time.time()
    dimension = read_from_minio(ts, time.time())
    print(f"Learn {dimension / 1000_000} Mb from Minio: {time.time() - ts_read} s")

    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop();
    ts = time.time()
    dimension = loop.run_until_complete(write_to_reduct())
    print(f"Write {dimension / 1000_000} Mb to Reduct Storage: {time.time() - ts} s")

    ts_read = time.time()
    dimension = loop.run_until_complete(read_from_reduct(ts, time.time()))
    print(f"Learn {dimension / 1000_000} Mb from Reduct Storage: {time.time() - ts_read} s")

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For testings, we have to run the databases. It’s simple to do with docker-compose:

    picture: reductstorage/engine:v1.0.1
      - ./reduct-data:/information
      - 8383:8383

    picture: minio/minio
      - ./minio-data:/information
    command: minio server /information --console-address :9002
      - 9000:9000
      - 9002:9002
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Run the docker compose configuration and the benchmarks:

docker-compose up -d
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The script print the outcomes for given CHUNK_SIZE and CHUNK_COUNT. On my system, I acquired the next numbers:

Chunk Operation Minio Reduct Storage
10.0 Mb (100 requests) Write 8.69 s 0.53 s
Learn 1.19 s 0.57 s
1.0 Mb (1000 requests) Write 12.66 s 1.30 s
Learn 2.04 s 1.38 s
.1 Mb (10000 requests) Write 61.86 s 13.73 s
Learn 9.39 s 15.02 s

As you may see, Reduct Storage is all the time quicker for write operations (16 occasions for 10 Mb blobs!!!) and a bit slower for studying when we’ve many small objects. It’s possible you’ll discover that the velocity lowering for each databases once we cut back the dimensions of chunks. This may be defined with HTTP overhead as a result of we spend a devoted HTTP request for every write or learn operation.


Reduct Storage might be a very good possibility for purposes the place you need to retailer blobs traditionally with timestamps and write information on a regular basis. It has a powerful FIFO quota to keep away from issues with disk house, and it is extremely quick for intensive write operations.




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