Saturday, June 18, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentDrawback after Undertaking Construct - Cocos Creator

Drawback after Undertaking Construct – Cocos Creator

This. Anyway I’m utilizing Cocos Creator 2.4.9 as a result of venture is began there so i’m near ending it. Drawback is occurring after construct is completed internet and simulator in native works. Simply to say that I’m utilizing ParticleSystem3D combined with 2D that is the place i seen downside.Possibly i’m flawed.

Thanks prematurely.

Report the placement of the error you type of go in and see? The ParticleSystem3D combined with 2D you talked about, are you able to describe it intimately or present a demo?

It’s not I’m sorry. I used to be busy. Determined to delete ParticleSystem3D and switch venture to the latest model of Cocos.

OK,you’ll be able to attempt in creator3.5.1.

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