Thursday, July 28, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentdebugDraw alignment difficulty - Cocos Creator

debugDraw alignment difficulty – Cocos Creator

@pandamicro, @linrm

A comply with as much as this subject Node hooked up with Inflexible Physique is displaced when the sport is resized

I adopted the recommendation and created an extra renderRoot2D and digital camera to carry all physics associated objects.

With this strategy the problem of gameObject being displaced on resize is mounted.
However the debugDraw will get fully offset when resized. I’ve hooked up screenshots for reference.
Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 7.15.53 PM

Moreover, I’ve hooked up a zipper file containing the challenge. (1.9 MB)

I’ve a sense that this occurs as a result of debugDraw is hooked up to canvas digital camera as an alternative of root digital camera.

Please take a look and let me know what might be going incorrect.
Would actually recognize the assistance.



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