I imported posts from a wordpress.com web site into my Woocommerce web site, and a few have damaged pictures.
After I open the publish to edit, the Gallery within the publish is transformed to Gutenberg blocks.
Not all the pictures are transformed appropriately. Some are okay, and have HTML code that appears like this:
<!-- wp:picture {"id":1935,"linkDestination":"attachment"} -->
<determine class="wp-block-image"><a href="https://zombiesoftheinformationsociety.com/dehoarding-japanese-american-and-asian-Nineteen Sixties-ephemera-first-lot/img_2083/"><img src="https://zombiesoftheinformationsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img_2083.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-1935"/></a></determine>
<!-- /wp:picture -->
Some seem like this, and are damaged:
<!-- wp:picture {"id":1936,"linkDestination":"attachment"} -->
<determine class="wp-block-image"><img alt="" class="wp-image-1936"/></determine>
<!-- /wp:picture -->
Some seem like this, and are damaged:
<!-- wp:picture {"id":1922,"linkDestination":"attachment"} -->
<determine class="wp-block-image"><a href="https://zombiesoftheinformationsociety.com/dehoarding-japanese-american-and-asian-Nineteen Sixties-ephemera-first-lot/img_2066/"><img alt="" class="wp-image-1922"/></a></determine>
<!-- /wp:picture -->
So, it seems just like the conversion course of rewrites the code, and it should be getting among the attributes from someplace, possibly the server.
The excellent news is that these pictures are current within the Media Library, and are hooked up to the publish.
I am questioning if there is a instrument that may repair the HTML, creating the A tag and IMG tag appropriately?