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HomeCyber SecurityCloudFormation Deploys and Invalid IAM coverage — for CloudFormation! | by Teri...

CloudFormation Deploys and Invalid IAM coverage — for CloudFormation! | by Teri Radichel | Bugs That Chew | Sep, 2022

Questioning why CloudFormation doesn’t use the identical coverage validation logic because the AWS Console

This one actually bites. I used to be spinning my wheels on it for some time. I deployed coverage for a job that permits it to solely act on sure CloudFormation stacks. The coverage deployed with out error in CloudFormation.

Then, whereas attempting to run actions on the CloudFormation stacks with my function, I stored getting errors that I didn’t have permissions to run DescribeStacks on a specific stack. I used to be staring on the coverage again and again and reviewing a stack ARN character for character to verify I didn’t have an error within the ARN for the CloudFormation stacks and it seemed OK.

I reviewed the coverage within the console and in my code and it was driving me a bit nuts.

Lastly, I assumed only for a check I’ll manually make some change to the coverage to see if it really works. After I went to edit the Coverage within the AWS Console, the IAM coverage editor instantly instructed me that I had an error.

I had spelled CloudForamtion incorrect! I wrote this:


As an alternative of this:


OK so certain, I would like glasses. It’s true. Nonetheless, evidently if the AWS Console can spot the error, then most likely CloudFormation can too. Don’t completely different teams at AWS share validation routines through an API name to the “proprietor” of the useful resource?

I’d count on that the CloudFormation workforce might make an API name to the IAM workforce for coverage validation and the outcomes can be the identical in both case.

Shouldn’t that simply be a rule at AWS because the proprietor of the useful resource ought to know greatest methods to validate it? And different groups can suggest adjustments the validation guidelines through a fork as an alternative of rolling their very own?

An excessive amount of wasted time on all these little bugs!

Teri Radichel

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