Tuesday, January 10, 2023
HomeWordPress Developmentblock editor - Full Website Modifying (FSE) - How do I show...

block editor – Full Website Modifying (FSE) – How do I show no outcomes with wp:question?

I’ve inherited a theme which is constructed with FSE. Inside index.html which is ready to show the weblog posts, I’ve a question as such:

<!-- wp:question {"tagName":"important","queryId":0,"question":{"perPage":8,"pages":0,"offset":0,"postType":"submit","categoryIds":[],"tagIds":[],"order":"desc","orderBy":"date","writer":"","search":"","exclude":[],"sticky":"","inherit":true},"displayLayout":{"sort":"checklist","columns":1}} -->
<important class="wp-block-query">

    <!-- wp:sample {"slug":"epi/simple-header"} /-->

    <!-- wp:search {"label":"Search","placeholder":"Search","buttonText":"Search","buttonPosition":"button-inside","buttonUseIcon":true,"required":false} /-->

    <!-- wp:post-template {"structure":{"inherit":true}} -->
        <!-- wp:post-title {"isLink":"true"} /-->
        <!-- wp:template-part {"slug":"posts/post-metadata", "tagName":"div", "className":"post__metadata"} /-->

        <!-- wp:post-featured-image /-->
        <!-- wp:post-excerpt {"moreText":"Learn extra"} /-->
    <!-- /wp:post-template -->

    <!-- wp:query-pagination -->
        <!-- wp:query-pagination-previous /-->
        <!-- wp:query-pagination-numbers /-->
        <!-- wp:query-pagination-next /-->
    <!-- /wp:query-pagination -->

<!-- /wp:question -->

Is there a means so as to add a no-results template after the <!-- /wp:question --> tag, i.e. is there a core block to realize this or do I want to make use of a customized shortcode to output some customized logic and content material?

My expertise to this point of FSE removes a few of the energy of conditional statements with the standard methodology of making WordPress themes.

I’m additionally confused what to refer to those: wp:question and wp:post-featured-image, are they “tags”, “markup”, “gutenberg tags” (I by no means know the right option to say them).



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