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Be taught TypeScript — The Final Learners Information : Constructed-in Sorts

TypeScript Fundamentals in One Place

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1. Introduction

Programming language divide into two classes :

  • Statically typed
  • Dynamically typed

in Statically-typed languages (C, Java, C#, … ), the kind of variable is about on the compile-time and can’t change later.

in Dynamically-typed languages (PHP, JavaScript, Python, … ), the kind of variable is set on the run-time and may change later.

TypeScript is a programming language construct on high of JavaScript ( primarily JavaScript with static typing and a few extra options ) , so earlier than we star just be sure you are conversant in this ideas in javascript:

  • Variables
  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • Features
  • Arrow Features
  • Destructuring

2. Constructed-in Sorts

as we all know JavaScript has built-in sorts like :

  • quantity
  • string
  • boolean
  • array
  • object
  • undefined
  • null

So TypeScript prolong this record and introduce some new built-in sorts equivalent to :

  • any
  • unknown
  • by no means
  • enum
  • tuple

1- The Any Kind : once you declare a variable and do not initialize it , the typescript compiler will assume that variable is kind of any which implies you possibly can assign any kind of information into it , right here is an instance :

let anyType; // let anyType: any

anyType = 12;

console.log(typeof anyType); // output: quantity

anyType = "Random string";

console.log(typeof anyType); // output: string
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Be aware : To declare variables, capabilities you simply must observe this syntax :

let numberType: quantity = 12;
let numberType: string = 12;

operate taxe(revenue: quantity): quantity {
  return revenue * 0.2;
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2- Arrays :

let numbers = [1, 2, 3]; // let numbers: quantity[] = [1, 2, 3]

let anyTypes = []; // let anyTypes: any[]

anyType[0] = 100;
anyType[0] = "r_string";

let names = ["ahmed", "zineddine"]; // let names: string[] = ["ahmed", "zineddine"]
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3- Tuples : A tuple is a typed array with a pre-defined size and kinds for every index.

let worker: [number, string] = [1, "Steve"];
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4- Enums :

// const small = 1;
// const medium = 1;
// const massive = 1;

const enum Dimension {
  Small = 1,

let mySize: Dimension = Dimension.Small;

console.log(mySize); // output : 1
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4- Objects :

let worker: {
} = {

let worker = {
  id: 1,
  title: "zineddine",

let person: {
  readonly id: quantity;
  title: string;
  pseudo?: string;
  retire: (date: Date) => void; // operate declaration
} = {
  id: 1,
  title: "zineddine",
  retire: (date: Date) => {
}; = 10; // Can't assign to 'id' as a result of it's a read-only property
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5- Kind Aliases :

kind Person = {
  readonly id: quantity;
  title: string;
  pseudo?: string;
  retire: (date: Date) => void; // operate declaration

let person: Person = {
  id: 1,
  title: "zineddine",
  retire: (date: Date) => {
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6- Union Sorts :

operate kgToLbs(kg: quantity | string): quantity {
  // Narrowing
  if (typeof kg === "string") {
    return parseFloat(kg) * 2.2046;

  return kg * 2.2046;
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7- Intersection Sorts :

// make no sense proper ?
let weight: quantity & string;

// let see a sensible instance

kind draggable = {
  drag: () => void;

kind resizable = {
  resize: () => void;

let UIWidget: draggable & resizable;

UIWidget = {
  drag: () => {},
  resize: () => {},
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8- Literal Sorts :

// let amount: 5 | 100;

kind Amount = 50 | 100;
let amount: Amount;

amount = 5; // Kind '5' is just not assignable to kind 'Amount'

kind Metric = "m" | "cm" | "mm";
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9- Nullable Sorts :

operate greeting(title: string | null | undefined) {
  if (title) {
    return `Hi there, ${title}`;
  return "Hi there, World";

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10- Elective Chaining :

kind Person = {
  id: quantity;
  birthday?: Date;

operate getUser(id: quantity): Person | null | undefined {
  if (id === 1) {
    return {
      birthday: new Date("2000-01-01"),

  return null;

getUser(0); // output null

getUser(1); // output { id: 1, birthday: Date }

// non-compulsory property entry operator
getUser(1)?.birthday?.getFullYear(); // output 2000

// non-compulsory component entry operator

let workers: string[] | null = null;

// non-compulsory operate name operator

let log: any = null;

log?.("hey"); // return undefined
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11- Nullish Coalescing Operator :

let velocity: quantity | null = null;

let journey = ;
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12- Kind Assertions :

let cellphone = doc.getElementById("cellphone");

cellphone.worth; // Property 'worth' doesn't exist on kind 'HTMLElement'

// let e mail = <HTMLInputElement> doc.getElementById('e mail');

let e mail = doc.getElementById("e mail") as HTMLInputElement;

e mail.worth;
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13- The Unknown Kind :

operate render(doc: any) {
  // no compile error , however runtime error

operate render(doc: unknown) {
  compile error, now the compîler forces us to examine the kind of the argument earlier than utilizing it



  if (doc instanceof String) {
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13- The By no means Kind :

operate reject(message: string): by no means {
  throw new Error(message);

operate processEvent(): by no means {
  whereas (true) {
    // ...



 => this code won't ever be executed , however the compiler do not inform us , so we've to make use of the `by no means` kind.

 => now the compiler will inform us that the operate won't ever return : Unreachable code detected.


console.log("Hi there World!");

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That’s it for the primary chapter !

Github hyperlink : TypeScript-Fundamentals-in-One-Place



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