Thursday, August 25, 2022
HomeGame DevelopmentBackbone Error in CC 3.6 (iOS, Android) - Cocos Creator

Backbone Error in CC 3.6 (iOS, Android) – Cocos Creator

Cocos Creator 3.6
Goal : native iOS, native Android
Characteristic Cropping : Graphics Backend, WebGL/2.0, Working Stats, Audio, Internet View, Tween, Primary Animation, 3D Particle System, Primary 2D Options, Person Interface, Box2D Primarily based 2D Physics System, Backbone Animation
Android Construct Choices : Debug, Supply Maps Job System/TBB, Allow Swappy, Render BackEnd/VULKAN/GLES2,3, Goal API Degree 32, armeavi-v7a, arm64-v8a,
iOS Construct Choices : Debug, Supply Maps, Job System/TBB

When : sp.Skeleton node allow

Check Env
: iPhone SE 2020 (iOS v15.6.1, Xcode v13.4.1)
: Android Emulator (API 33 Google Play, arm64, Android Studio 2021.2.1 Patch1, MacbookPro 14 (M1Pro))

Error log :
(/Purposes/CocosCreator/Creator/3.6.0/, 678): Invoking operate failed, TypeError: Can not learn property ‘getInstance’ of undefined
at jsb-adapter/engine-adapter.js:1523:51 // const armaSystem = cc.inside.ArmatureSystem.getInstance();
at Director.emit (src/cocos-js/cc.js:14079:25)
at Director.tick (src/cocos-js/cc.js:39694:24)
at Recreation._updateCallback (src/cocos-js/cc.js:40192:28)
at src/cocos-js/cc.js:35906:26
at tick (jsb-adapter/web-adapt

Backbone doesn’t work. Error log repeats ceaselessly.
I don’t use dragon bones, disabled dragon bones in function cropping.

Which model of Backbone? Cocos Creator 3.6 doesn’t use the hottest Backbone model.

Backbone v3.8.74. It really works nice in CC 3.5.2.

There’s already a related challenge, thanks for the suggestions.



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