Monday, July 11, 2022
HomeHackerA Unified Framework For Privateness-Preserving Knowledge Evaluation And Machine Studying

A Unified Framework For Privateness-Preserving Knowledge Evaluation And Machine Studying

SecretFlow is a unified framework for privacy-preserving knowledge intelligence and machine studying. To realize this aim, it offers:

  • An summary system layer consists of plain gadgets and secret gadgets which encapsulate numerous cryptographic protocols.
  • A tool stream layer modeling greater algorithms as system object stream and DAG.
  • An algorithm layer to do knowledge evaluation and machine studying with horizontal or vertical partitioned knowledge.
  • A workflow layer that seamlessly integrates knowledge processing, mannequin coaching, and hyperparameter tuning.


Set up

For customers who wish to strive SecretFlow, you’ll be able to set up the present launch from pypi. Be aware that it requires python model == 3.8, you’ll be able to create a digital setting with conda if not happy.

pip set up -U secretflow

Strive you first SecretFlow program

>>> import secretflow as sf
>>> sf.init(['alice', 'bob', 'carol'], num_cpus=8, log_to_driver=True)
>>> dev = sf.PYU('alice')
>>> import numpy as np
>>> knowledge = dev(np.random.rand)(3, 4)
>>> knowledge
<secretflow.system.system.pyu.PYUObject object at 0x7fdec24a15b0>

Getting began


Contribution information

For builders who wish to contribute to SecretFlow, you’ll be able to arrange an setting with the next instruction.

git clone

# elective
git lfs set up

conda create -n secretflow python=3.8
conda activate secretflow
pip set up -r dev-requirements.txt -r necessities.txt

Coding Type

We choose black as our code formatter. For numerous editor customers, please check with editor integration. Cross -S, --skip-string-normalization to black to keep away from string quotes or prefixes normalization.


Non-release variations of SecretFlow are prohibited to make use of in any manufacturing setting because of potential bugs, glitches, lack of performance, safety points or different issues.



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