Thursday, October 6, 2022
HomeWordPress DevelopmentA lot Quicker than std::string, fmt::format, std::to_chars, std::time and extra?

A lot Quicker than std::string, fmt::format, std::to_chars, std::time and extra?

✨⚡️ xeerx C++ Format Library ⚡️✨

An excellent quick c++ library for managing and formatting strings with the power to transform from/to any sort

  • ♻️ Cross-Platform – examined by Google Take a look at.

  • ⚡️ Velocity – sooner than std::string, std::time, std::to_chars, {fmt}, .., examined by Google Benchmark.

  • 🍃 Gentle – minimal traces of code, fast compiling, examined by GCC 12.

  • optimization – improved conduct to scale back Reminiscence Allocation, examined by Valgrind.

  • 🌟 Skill – works with a whole lot of knowledge varieties any char numbers time bool ..and so forth.

🔹🔹 you’ll discover take a look at, gtest and benchmark for every little thing in: checks/🔹🔹


The library comprises:


#embrace "core.h"

utilizing namespace xeerx;
  • String

    How It Works

    To grasp how strings work, let’s examine the next examples:

    // [1]
    xeerx::string s1 ("Howdy World");
    // [2]
    xeerx::string s2 ("Howdy");
    s2 += "World";
    // [3]
    xeerx::string s3 ("chars:");
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) s3 += 'C';

    Rationalization of examples

    • ### First Instance
      On this case the category will simply pointing to the worth, like std::string_view
      so there isn’t any copies, identical to regular const char*
    • Second Instance

      1- pointing to the worth Howdy

      2- copy Howdy to the stack buffer

      3- copy World to the top of stack buffer to be HelloWorld

    • Third Instance

      1- pointing to the worth chars:

      2- copy chars: to the stack buffer

      now we have to append C x100 instances, and our stack buffer dimension is 64

      and the present dimension of the buffer is 6 (chars: is 6 characters)

      so the stack can maintain extra 64 - 6 = 58 characters

      3- copy C 58 instances to the top of stack buffer

      now the stack buffer is full and we have to append extra 42 characters

      so allocate an sufficient area within the heap reminiscence known as heap buffer

      4- allocate an area within the heap reminiscence

      5- copy contents of stack buffer to the heap buffer

      6- append the remaining 42 characters to the top of the heap buffer


    Kind Definition
    xeerx::string xeerx::basic_string<char>
    xeerx::wstring xeerx::basic_string<wchar_t>
    xeerx::u16string xeerx::basic_string<char16_t>
    xeerx::u32string xeerx::basic_string<char32_t>
    • ### Specialization Varieties
    // prototype
    template<typename Kind, class Alloc = std::allocator<Kind>, xeerx::size_t L_Capacity = X_BUFF_SIZE>
    xeerx::basic_string<Kind, Alloc, L_Capacity>
    // instance: basic_string for 'char' with native buffer capability 256
    typedef xeerx::basic_string<char, std::allocator<char>, 256> string_256;

    There are two sorts of characters allowed, char and wchar_t.

    However you should utilize any sort of character as a result of the category takes tamplate parameter to know what sort of character to make use of,

    BUT I am undecided about something besides char and wchar_t so you need to attempt to take a look at it your self.


    Identify Worth Definition
    X_BUFF_SIZE 64UL default dimension of the native buffer


    Exception Definition
    std::length_error when the scale of the string >= xeex::size_t_max
    std::out_of_range when the index of the string > dimension()

    Template Parameters

    Parameter Definition
    Kind character sort
    Alloc Allocator sort used to allocate inner storage

    Member Varieties

    Kind Definition
    chars xeerx::char_traits<Kind>
    value_type Kind
    size_type _traits::size_type xeerx::size_t
    reference _traits::reference Kind&
    const_reference _traits::const_reference const Kind&
    pointer _traits::pointer Kind*
    const_pointer _traits::const_pointer const Kind*
    iterator _traits::iterator Kind*
    const_iterator _traits::const_iterator const Kind*

    Member Capabilities

    • constructor’s | destructor

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      // empty  constructor
      string s0;                          // 👉 ""
      // assign constructor utilizing array of characters
      string s1("Howdy");                 // 👉 "Howdy"
      // assign constructor utilizing single character 
      string s2('C');                     // 👉 "C"
      // assign constructor utilizing vary (iterators)
      string s3(s1.cbegin(), s1.cend());  // 👉 "Howdy"
      // assign constructor utilizing bool
      string s4(true);                    // 👉 "true"
      // assign constructor utilizing integer (see convert perform for extra particulars)
      string s5(123);                     // 👉 "123"
      // assign constructor utilizing float   (see convert perform for extra particulars)
      string s6(0.14);                    // 👉 "0.14"
      // copy constructor
      string s7(s1);                      // 👉 "Howdy"
      // transfer constructor
      string s8(std::transfer(s1));           // 👉 "Howdy"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 0.976 ns 689897792 ⚡️ 1.0 empty constructor
      🔸 std::string 0.978 ns 704357784
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.30 ns 531657012 ⚡️ 2.2 copy constructor
      🔸 std::string 2.93 ns 238350514
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.30 ns 532291700 ⚡️ 4.7 transfer constructor
      🔸 std::string 6.15 ns 110840133
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.30 ns 473253168 ⚡️ 1.7 array constructor
      🔸 std::string 2.26 ns 356990635
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.41 ns 427177908 ⚡️ 8.0 single char constructor
      🔸 std::string 11.3 ns 62462721
      🔹 xeerx::string 2.45 ns 292649634 ⚡️ 1.6 vary constructor
      🔸 std::string 3.93 ns 186850707
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.97 ns 344396141 ⚡️ — bool constructor
      🔸 std::string — ns ———
      🔹 xeerx::string 3.02 ns 234255879 ⚡️ 2.0 lengthy int constructor
      🔸 std::string 6.31 ns 109529125
      🔹 xeerx::string 8.13 ns 84837465 ⚡️ 2.8 brief int constructor
      🔸 std::string 22.9 ns 30325927
      🔹 xeerx::string 2.60 ns 267951182 ⚡️ 75.3 lengthy float constructor
      🔸 std::string 196 ns 3535237
      🔹 xeerx::string 3.26 ns 214303767 ⚡️ 61.0 brief float constructor
      🔸 std::string 199 ns 3511556

      🌟 std::to_string cannot convert bool to string.

    • Copy | Transfer | Swap

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s("Howdy World");
      string s1; s1.copy(s);              // 👉 "Howdy World"
      string s2; s2.transfer(std::transfer(s));   // 👉 "Howdy World"
      string s3; s3.swap(s);              // 👉 "Howdy World"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      no benchmark want on this part, you’ll be able to see constructor part to search out copy and transfer benchmark, as about swap is simply std::swap.

    • Assign

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s;
      string s1("One other String");
      // assign utilizing array of characters
      s.assign("Howdy");                  // 👉 "Howdy"
      // assign utilizing single character 
      s.assign('C');                      // 👉 "C"
      // assign utilizing vary (iterators)
      s.assign(s1.cbegin(), s1.cend());   // 👉 "One other String"
      // assign utilizing bool
      s.assign(true);                     // 👉 "true"
      // assign utilizing integer (see convert perform for extra particulars)
      s.assign(123);                      // 👉 "123"
      // assign utilizing float   (see convert perform for extra particulars)
      s.assign(0.14);                     // 👉 "0.14"
      // assign utilizing one other string
      s.assign(s1);                       // 👉 "One other String"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.34 ns 531380206 ⚡️ 2.2 assign utilizing string
      🔸 std::string 2.93 ns 238106163
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.31 ns 528827390 ⚡️ 6.7 assign utilizing array
      🔸 std::string 8.81 ns 78799728
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.31 ns 534289066 ⚡️ 8.6 assign utilizing single char
      🔸 std::string 11.3 ns 61128346
      🔹 xeerx::string 2.28 ns 306184756 ⚡️ 4.3 assign utilizing vary
      🔸 std::string 9.90 ns 69530909
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.95 ns 357179984 ⚡️ — assign utilizing bool
      🔸 std::string — ns ———
      🔹 xeerx::string 9.09 ns 75920717 ⚡️ 2.0 assign utilizing lengthy int
      🔸 std::string 18.7 ns 37284998
      🔹 xeerx::string 3.54 ns 169905048 ⚡️ 1.0 assign utilizing brief int
      🔸 std::string 3.91 ns 195297191
      🔹 xeerx::string 3.59 ns 195349150 ⚡️ 56.5 assign utilizing lengthy float
      🔸 std::string 203 ns 3436025
      🔹 xeerx::string 2.61 ns 268187597 ⚡️ 76.6 assign utilizing brief float
      🔸 std::string 200 ns 3430881

      🌟 std::to_string cannot convert bool to string.

    • Convert

      This perform utilizing xeerx::to_chars to transform

      So for extra info see the conversion part

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      // integer
      string s1; s1.convert(123);                     // 👉 "123"
      // integer base
      string s2; s2.convert(123, 16);                 // 👉 "7b"
      // signal
      string s3; s3.convert(123, 16, '+');            // 👉 "+7b"
      // letter case
      string s4; s4.convert(123, 16, '+', tail, 1);   // 👉 "+7B"
      // float
      string s5; s5.convert(3.987);                   // 👉 "3.98"
      // float precision
      string s6; s6.convert(3.987, 3);                // 👉 "3.987"
      // float trailing zeros
      string s7; s7.convert(1.09800, 5, '+', 1);      // 👉 "+1.09800"
      string s8; s8.convert(1.09800, 5, '+', 0);      // 👉 "+1.098"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 2.49 ns 280885493 ⚡️ — convert utilizing bool
      🔸 std::string — ns ———
      🔹 xeerx::string 9.13 ns 75557257 ⚡️ 5.6 convert utilizing lengthy int
      🔸 std::string 52.0 ns 13533688
      🔹 xeerx::string 4.40 ns 163482392 ⚡️ 3.3 convert utilizing brief int
      🔸 std::string 14.8 ns 46670954
      🔹 xeerx::string 3.62 ns 195510099 ⚡️ 57.4 convert utilizing lengthy float
      🔸 std::string 208 ns 3371255
      🔹 xeerx::string 2.93 ns 238643277 ⚡️ 69.9 convert utilizing brief float
      🔸 std::string 205 ns 3402302

      🌟 std::to_string cannot convert bool to string.

    • Append

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s;
      string s1("One other String");
      // append utilizing array of characters
      s.append("Howdy");                  // 👉 "Howdy"
      // append utilizing single character 
      s.append('C');                      // 👉 "...C"
      // append utilizing vary (iterators)
      s.append(s1.cbegin(), s1.cend());   // 👉 "...One other String"
      // append utilizing bool
      s.append(true);                     // 👉 "...true"
      // append utilizing integer (see convert perform for extra particulars)
      s.append(123);                      // 👉 "...123"
      // append utilizing float   (see convert perform for extra particulars)
      s.append(0.14);                     // 👉 "...0.14"
      // append utilizing one other string
      s.append(s1);                       // 👉 "...One other String"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 45.0 ns 16190001 ⚡️ 2.2 append utilizing string
      🔸 std::string 103 ns 6637803
      🔹 xeerx::string 38.2 ns 18203461 ⚡️ 2.5 append utilizing array
      🔸 std::string 96.0 ns 7101166
      🔹 xeerx::string 21.0 ns 32952515 ⚡️ 2.2 append utilizing single char
      🔸 std::string 46.8 ns 14844033
      🔹 xeerx::string 44.0 ns 15887083 ⚡️ 2.7 append utilizing vary
      🔸 std::string 122 ns 5548724
      🔹 xeerx::string 20.9 ns 34528601 ⚡️ — append utilizing bool
      🔸 std::string — ns ———
      🔹 xeerx::string 116 ns 5953486 ⚡️ 2.6 append utilizing lengthy int
      🔸 std::string 307 ns 2270919
      🔹 xeerx::string 75.4 ns 9182231 ⚡️ 1.0 append utilizing brief int
      🔸 std::string 80.4 ns 8533531
      🔹 xeerx::string 68.6 ns 9908682 ⚡️ 33.1 append utilizing lengthy float
      🔸 std::string 2253 ns 308565
      🔹 xeerx::string 30.3 ns 22941116 ⚡️ 74.4 append utilizing brief float
      🔸 std::string 2242 ns 314610

      🌟 std::to_string cannot convert bool to string.

    • Insert

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      Yow will discover the take a look at script in /checks/insert-string.cpp to verify it your self.

      string s("15 : ");
      // insert utilizing single character 
      s.insert(0, '0');                   // 👉 "015 : "
      // insert utilizing array of characters
      s.insert(2, "234");                 // 👉 "012345 : "
      // insert utilizing one other string
      s.insert(s.dimension(), s);              // 👉 "012345 : 012345 : "
      // insert utilizing vary (iterators)
      string s1("Iterator");
      s.insert(s.dimension(), s1.cbegin(), s1.cend()); // 👉 "012345 : 012345 : Iterator"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 90.9 ns 7302295 ⚡️ 1.5 insert utilizing string
      🔸 std::string 143 ns 4852644
      🔹 xeerx::string 92.3 ns 7438356 ⚡️ 1.3 insert utilizing array
      🔸 std::string 124 ns 5604204
      🔹 xeerx::string 59.6 ns 11534530 ⚡️ 1.4 insert utilizing single char
      🔸 std::string 83.2 ns 8121425
      🔹 xeerx::string 44.0 ns 7648863 ⚡️ — insert utilizing vary
      🔸 std::string — ns ———

      🌟 there isn’t any perform to insert utilizing vary in std::string.

    • Fill

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s;
      // string just isn't initialized but, so append `C` * 10 instances
      s.fill('C', 0, 10);                // 👉 "CCCCCCCCCC"
      // string is initialized, so change vary(0,9) with `M`
      s.fill('M', 0, 10);                // 👉 "MMMMMMMMMM"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 13.9 ns 49118574 ⚡️ 2.6 fill utilizing character
      🔸 std::string 37.0 ns 18117575

      🌟 there isn’t any perform to fill in std::string, so i used change in benchmark.

    • Substitute

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      // size of "AB" = 2, size of vary to interchange is (6-4) = 2
      // so change "45" with "AB"
      string s1("0123456789"); 
      s1.change("AB", 4, 6);             // 👉 "0123AB6789"
      // size of "A" = 1, size of vary to interchange is (6-4) = 2
      // so change "4" with "A"
      // and transfer "6789" to backward by one.
      // in one other phrase, change "45" with "A"
      string s2("0123456789"); 
      s2.change("A", 4, 6);              // 👉 "0123A6789"
      // size of "HelloWorld" = 10, size of vary to interchange is (6-4) = 2
      // so transfer "6789" to ahead by (10 - 2) = 8.
      // and change "45        " with "HelloWorld"
      // in one other phrase, change "45" with "HelloWorld"
      string s3("0123456789"); 
      s3.change("HelloWorld", 4, 6);     // 👉 "0123HelloWorld6789"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 35.5 ns 19680601 ⚡️ 1.3 change utilizing array
      🔸 std::string 46.5 ns 15060716
    • Erase

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s("0123456789"); s.erase(4, 2);  // 👉 "01236789"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 9.36 ns 74738109 ⚡️ 2.2 erase a part of string
      🔸 std::string 21.2 ns 32678576
    • Clear

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s("0123456789"); s.clear();     // 👉 ""

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.30 ns 536039461 ⚡️ 12.6 clear string contents
      🔸 std::string 16.4 ns 40010757
    • Resize

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s("0123456789"); s.resize(5);    // 👉 "01234"

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 2.86 ns 267733338 ⚡️ 6.3 resize string dimension
      🔸 std::string 18.2 ns 36673351
    • Reserve

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s; s.reserve(100);               // 👉 heap capability now could be 100

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 16.1 ns 44328723 ⚡️ 2.1 reserve area within the heap
      🔸 std::string 35.3 ns 19861444
    • Evaluate

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s("Howdy");  
      s.evaluate("Howdy");                     // 👉 0
      s.evaluate("whats up");                     // 👉 -32
      s.evaluate("Blah" );                     // 👉 6

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.63 ns 425109330 ⚡️ 1.2 evaluate two strings
      🔸 std::string 1.97 ns 354517169
    • Discover

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s("12 13 12 14"); 
      // discover utilizing array"12", 0);                        // 👉 0"12", 2);                        // 👉 6
      // discover utilizing character'3' , 0);                        // 👉 4

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.30 ns 519393604 ⚡️ 12.8 discover utilizing array
      🔸 std::string 16.7 ns 41623313
      🔹 xeerx::string 1.30 ns 532126470 ⚡️ 12.7 discover utilizing character
      🔸 std::string 16.6 ns 41633714
    • Letter Case Management

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      string s("whats up World s S 123"); 
      // all to higher case
      s.higher();                        // 👉 "HELLO WORLD S S 123"
      // all to decrease case
      s.decrease();                        // 👉 "whats up world s s 123"
      // make all phrases begin with higher case character
      s.wupper();                       // 👉 "Howdy World s S 123"
    • Entry Capabilities

      🔹 Learn-Solely 🔹

      string.cdata();        // Buffer of characters
      string.cbegin();       // Start iterator
      string.cend();         // Finish   iterator
      string.dimension();         // Measurement of buffer
      string.max_size();     // Most dimension that may be accommodated
      string.capability();     // Capability of buffer
      string.empty();        // Examine if dimension == 0;         // Get character at place

      🔹 Learn-Write 🔹

      string.knowledge();        // Buffer of characters
      string.start();       // Start iterator
      string.finish();         // Finish   iterator;         // Get character at place

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      no benchmark want on this part, all of this capabilities simply return to the non-public variables.

    • Operatores

      🔹 copy-move 🔹

      string A("Howdy"), B;
      B = A;            // copy
      B = std::transfer(B); // transfer

      🔹 assign 🔹

      string S;
      S = "Howdy";
      S = 123;
      S = ...; // identical as assign()

      🔹 append 🔹

      string S;
      S += "Howdy";
      S += 123;
      S += ...; // identical as append()        

      🔹 append plus 🔹[The Power Of The Append]

      string A("-> "), S;
      S += A + false + " 123" + 456 + ' ' + 3.14; // 👉 "-> false 123456 3.14"
      // [NOTE] A will likely be additionally "-> false 123456 3.14"
      // as a result of the information append to A primary, than to S
      // so you need to use a brief string within the first argument
      // What if i wish to add S1 and S2 to S3 with out change S1 and S2 ?
      string S1("Howdy"), S2("World"), S3;
      S3 = S1; S3 += S2;     // like this
      S3 += string(S1) + S2; // or   this

      🔹 evaluate 🔹

      string S1("Howdy"), S2("World");
      bool is_same = (S1 == S2);    

      🔹 at 🔹

      string S1("Howdy");
      S1[0] = 'h';  

      🔹 stream 🔹

      string S1("Howdy");
      std::cout << S1 << std::endl;

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      no benchmark want on this part, operators do identical of it is perform, for instance += name append, ..and so forth.

  • Conversions

    • convert numbers to characters array

      🔹 Examples 🔹

      char c[11] = "N:xxxxxxxx";          // will be wchar_t or sort of characters
      // handbook size (overload with 'final' as a parameter)
      to_chars(c, c + sizeof(c), -10);    // c 👉 "-10" 
      // auto size   (overload with 'final' as a template parameter)
      to_chars(c,-10);                    // c 👉 "-10" 
      // [integer base] you should utilize any base between 2 and 36
      to_chars(c,-123, 36);               // c 👉 "-3f"
      to_chars(c,-123, 16);               // c 👉 "-7b"
      to_chars(c,-123, 10);               // c 👉 "-123"
      to_chars(c,-123,  8);               // c 👉 "-173" 
      to_chars(c,-123,  2);               // c 👉 "-1111011"
      // [sign]
      to_chars(c, 1, 10, '+');            // c 👉 "+1"
      to_chars(c,-1, 10, '+');            // c 👉 "-1"
      to_chars(c, 1, 10, '-');            // c 👉  "1"
      to_chars(c,-1, 10, '-');            // c 👉 "-1"
      to_chars(c, 1, 10, ' ');            // c 👉 " 1"
      to_chars(c,-1, 10, ' ');            // c 👉 "-1"
      // [terminate array]
      to_chars(c, 1, 10, '+', 1);         // c 👉 "+1"
      to_chars(c, 1, 10, '+', 0);         // c 👉 "+1xxxxxxxx"
      // [floating precision]
      float f = -1.09800;
      to_chars(c,f);                      // c 👉 "-1.09" 
      to_chars(c,f,  1);                  // c 👉 "-1.0" 
      to_chars(c,f,  2);                  // c 👉 "-1.09" 
      to_chars(c,f,  3);                  // c 👉 "-1.098" 
      to_chars(c,f,  4);                  // c 👉 "-1.0980" 
      // [trailing zeros]
      to_chars(c,f,  5, '+', 1, 0);       // c 👉 "-1.098" 
      to_chars(c,f,  5, '+', 1, 1);       // c 👉 "-1.09800"
      // [trailing zeros]
      to_chars(c,f,  5, '+', 1, 0);       // c 👉 "-1.098" 
      to_chars(c,f,  5, '+', 1, 1);       // c 👉 "-1.09800"
      // [letter case]
      to_chars(c,-123, 36, '+', 1, 1, 1); // c 👉 "-3F"
      to_chars(c,-123, 36, '+', 1, 1, 0); // c 👉 "-3f"
      // [length] if you recognize the size of the integer half, so put it in final argument
      to_chars(c,-123, 36, '+', 1, 1, 3); // c 👉 "-3F"
      // [return | exception]
      // 🟩 if successed return to final written place 
      // 🟥 if failed    return to xeerx::size_t_max
      // 🟧 if X_DEBUG macro is outlined, when failed will throw an exceptionx

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
      🔹 xeerx::to_chars 0.333 ns 1000000000 ⚡️243.8 lengthy float
      🔸 std::to_chars 81.2 ns 8665522
      🔹 xeerx::to_chars 0.327 ns 1000000000 ⚡️177.6 brief float
      🔸 std::to_chars 58.1 ns 12034705
      🔹 xeerx::to_chars 0.327 ns 1000000000 ⚡️ 3.9 lengthy int
      🔸 std::to_chars 1.30 ns 531564683
      🔹 xeerx::to_chars 0.326 ns 1000000000 ⚡️ 2.0 brief int
      🔸 std::to_chars 0.652 ns 1000000000
    • convert characters array to numbers

      🔹 Examples 🔹

    chars_to<int>("-123");   // 👉 -123
    // [integer base] you should utilize any base between 2 and 36
    chars_to<int>("-3F",       36);     // 👉 -123
    chars_to<int>("-7B",       16);     // 👉 -123
    chars_to<int>("-123",      10);     // 👉 -123
    chars_to<int>("-173",       8);     // 👉 -123
    chars_to<int>("-1111011",   2);     // 👉 -123
    // [floating precision]
    chars_to<double>("-1.0098765");     // 👉 -1.00
    chars_to<double>("-1.0098765",  1); // 👉 -1.0
    chars_to<double>("-1.0098765",  2); // 👉 -1.00
    chars_to<double>("-1.0098765",  3); // 👉 -1.009
    chars_to<double>("-1.0098765",  4); // 👉 -1.0098
    chars_to<double>("-1.0098765",  5); // 👉 -1.00986
    chars_to<double>("-1.0098765",  6); // 👉 -1.009865
    // [return | exception]
    // 🟩 if successed return to transformed worth
    // 🟥 if failed    return to std::numeric_limits::max<N>()
    // 🟧 if X_DEBUG macro is outlined, when failed will throw an exceptionx

    🔸 Benchmark 🔸

    Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
    🔹 xeerx::chars_to 0.327 ns 1000000000 ⚡️ 88.6 lengthy float
    🔸 std::from_chars 29.0 ns 24078935
    🔹 xeerx::chars_to 0.327 ns 1000000000 ⚡️ 1.6 brief float
    🔸 std::from_chars 0.545 ns 1000000000
    🔹 xeerx::chars_to 0.327 ns 1000000000 ⚡️ 4.0 lengthy int
    🔸 std::from_chars 1.31 ns 533874680
    🔹 xeerx::chars_to 0.328 ns 1000000000 ⚡️ 1.9 brief int
    🔸 std::from_chars 0.652 ns 1000000000
  • Time

    • models

      all models utilizing std::chrono

    • timestamp

      timestamp<unit>();           // auto
      timestamp<unit>(1664697587); // handbook
      // members
      val; // timestamp worth
      fac; // issue (second = 1, mirosecond = 1000, ...)
    • essential time class

      // auto
      time<second>      t; // timestamp 👉 1664697587          , fac 👉 1
      time<millisecond> t; // timestamp 👉 1664697587405       , fac 👉 1000
      time<microsecond> t; // timestamp 👉 1664697587405492    , fac 👉 1000000
      time<nanosecond>  t; // timestamp 👉 1664697587405492704 , fac 👉 1000000000
      // handbook
      time<second>   t(1664697587); // timestamp -> 1664697587 , fac -> 1
      // specification characters sort
      time<unit, char_type> t;    // char_type by default is `char`
      // for string format use it
      stime<unit, char_type> t;  
      // this can containts identical members of regular `time` class
      // along with the string members
      • numerical members

        t.unit;        // xeerx::timestamp object
        t.unit.val;    // timestamp of unit : 👉 1664697587405492704
        t.unit.fac;    // issue    of unit : 👉 1000000000
        t.12 months;        // 👉 2022
        t.month;       // 👉 10
        t.week;        // 👉 1
        t.weekday;     // 👉 2;         // 👉 2
        t.yday;        // 👉 275
        t.hour;        // 👉 7
        t.Hour;        // 👉 7
        t.minute;      // 👉 59
        t.second;      // 👉 47
        t.millisecond; // 👉 405
        t.microsecond; // 👉 492
        t.nanosecond;  // 👉 704
      • string members

        to get time members in string format you need to utilizing stimg as a substitute of time.

        t.num;          // xeerx::time object, use it to entry the numerical members
        t.syear;        // 👉 "2022" 
        t.smonth;       // 👉 "10" 
        t.sweek;        // 👉 "01" 
        t.sweekday;     // 👉 "02" 
        t.sday;         // 👉 "02" 
        t.shour;        // 👉 "07"
        t.sHour;        // 👉 "07"
        t.sminute;      // 👉 "59"
        t.ssecond;      // 👉 "47"
        t.smillisecond; // 👉 "405"
        t.smicrosecond; // 👉 "492"
        t.snanosecond ; // 👉 "704"
        t.m;            // 👉 "AM"
        // names
        t.nweekday;     // 👉 "Solar"
        t.Nweekday;     // 👉 "Sunday"
        t.nmonth;       // 👉 "Oct"
        t.Nmonth;       // 👉 "October"
      • convert between time and stime

        // stime -> time
        time<nanosecond>  t  = stime<nanosecond>;       // ERROR
        time<nanosecond>  t  = stime<nanosecond>().num; // OK
        // time  -> stime
        stime<nanosecond> st = time<nanosecond>;        // OK

      🔸 Benchmark 🔸

      Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity
      🔹 xeerx::time 13.2 ns 51969561 ⚡️ 200.7
      🔹 xeerx::stime 29.4 ns 24039762 ⚡️ 90.1
      🔸 local_time 2430 ns 293162
      🔸 to_time_t 2844 ns 234573
      🔸 asctime 2847 ns 250791
  • Formatting

    • Sample

      • prototype

        // prototype
        // N -> What number of sections are there on this sample [for optimization]
        // C -> Kind of character
        fpattern<N, C = char> ("...");
      • arguments

        // sequence argument
        // numbered argument
        // mixture of sequence and numbered argument
        fpattern<4>("{1} {} {0} {}");
        // [1] -> second "{1}"  - (no impact on the final argument id)
        // [2] -> first  "{}"   (final argument id is 0, and will likely be 1)
        // [3] -> first  "{0}"  - (no impact on the final argument id)
        // [4] -> second "{}"   (final argument id is 1, and will likely be 2)
        // management arguments
        fpattern<1>("{:}" || "{I:}");  // wrtie ':' to handle the argument
        // management integer base | float precision
        fpattern<1>("{:N}" || "{I:N}");
        // for integer, 'N' will be any quantity between 2 and 36 (default is 10)
        // for float  , 'N' will be any quantity between 1 and 36 (default is  2)
        // management letter case (With out specifying case, will probably be left as is)
        // [NOTE] letter case contoller works solely on integer's 
        //        when base numerical base > 10
        fpattern<1>("{:NC}" || "{I:NC}");  // for all capital
        fpattern<1>("{:Nc}" || "{I:Nc}");  // for all small
        // management signal (see conversion part to know extra about signal's)
        fpattern<1>("{:SN}" || "{I:SN}");
        // the ultimate sample
        fpattern<1>("{:SNC}" || "{I:SNC}");
        //  precision (Not Vital)
        // C -> letter case      (Not Vital)
        //  -> finish of part   (Vital)
        /* ------------ Exceptions ------------ */
        // std::invalid_argument("dangerous syntax")
        // [-] you need to write a number of specifier at the very least after the controller `:`
        // [-] you need to write the start '{' and the top '}' of the part 
        //     with out any-unknown character between it
        //     the recognized characters is "I:SNC"
        // std::out_of_range("invalid argument id")
        // [-] 'I' can't be bigger than the template parameter 'N'
      • padding

        // prototype
        // {. -> start of padding part       (Vital)
        // A  -> padding align  ['<', '>', '^'] (Not Vital) (default is left '<')
        // F  -> padding fill   [any char]      (Vital)
        // V  -> padding worth  [any numbers]   (Vital)
        // .} -> finish   of padding part       (Vital)
        // dynamic padding (with argument's and textual content inside it)
        fpattern<4>("{.^ 15IP:{}.},{.^ 15PORT:{}.}");
        // IF IP is "" && PORT is 443, so the end result will likely be prefer it:
        // --> "IP:   ,PORT:443       "
        // regular padding (with out something inside it)
        fpattern<2>("{.*5.} IP:{}");
        // --> "***** IP:"
      • Examples

        xeerx::format<N> returns to xeerx::basic_string<char>

        xeerx::format<C, N> returns to xeerx::basic_string<C>

        // sequence arguments   👉 "Howdy World"
        format<2>("{} {}", "Howdy", "World");
        // numbered arguments   👉 "World Howdy, Howdy World"
        format<4>("{1} {0}, {0} {1}", "Howdy", "World");
        // character            👉 "C, C"
        format<2>("{}, {}", 'C', 'c'); 
        // bool                 👉 "true, false"
        format<2>("{}, {}", true, false);                   
        // integer              👉 "123"
        format<1>("{}", 123);
        // integer base         👉 "d:123, x:7b, o:173, b:1111011, 36:3f"
        format<5>("d:{0:10}, x:{0:16}, o:{0:8}, b:{0:2}, 36:{0:36}", 123);  
        // letter case          👉 "Capital:3F, Small:3f"
        format<2>("Capital:{0:36C}, Small:{0:36c}", 123);
        // float                👉 "3.14"
        format<1>("{}", 3.14);
        // float precision      👉 "3.01, 3.014, 3.0143"
        format<3>("{0:2}, {0:3}, {0:4}", 3.014321);
        // signal                 👉 "+:[+1, 1,  1], -:[-1, -1, -1]"
        format<6>("+:[{0:+10}, {0:-10}, {0: 10}], -:[{1:+10}, {1:-10}, {1: 10}]",  1, -1); 
        // multi varieties          👉 "string, C, true, -123, 3.14"
        format<5>("{}, {}, {}, {}, {}", "string", 'C', true, -123, 3.14);

        padding examples

        // empty padding        👉 "**********, true"
        format<2>("{.*10.}, {}", true);
        // left   aligned       👉 "******true"
        format<2>("{.<*10{}.}", true);
        // proper  aligned       👉 "true******"
        format<2>("{.>*10{}.}", true);
        // middle aligned       👉 "***true***"
        format<2>("{.^*10{}.}", true);
        // one other instance      👉 "[IP:    ] [PORT:443        ]"
        format<4>("[{.> 15IP:{}.}] [{.> 15PORT:{}.}]", "", 443);

    🔸 Benchmark 🔸

    Benchmark Time Iterations Velocity Kind
    🔹 xeerx::format 3.70 ns 186586391 ⚡️ 52.9 left padding
    🔸 fmt::format 196 ns 3545286
    🔹 xeerx::format 3.70 ns 189126228 ⚡️ 54.3 proper padding
    🔸 fmt::format 201 ns 3464272
    🔹 xeerx::format 3.70 ns 188942568 ⚡️ 57.0 middle padding
    🔸 fmt::format 211 ns 3304297
    🔹 xeerx::format 2.69 ns 258969920 ⚡️ 9.9 one string
    🔸 fmt::format 26.7 ns 26305344
    🔹 xeerx::format 16.5 ns 42150231 ⚡️ 4.0 two strings
    🔸 fmt::format 66.7 ns 10376705
    🔹 xeerx::format 77.8 ns 8581737 ⚡️ 2.2 loads strings
    🔸 fmt::format 174 ns 4061439
    🔹 xeerx::format 2.69 ns 259762850 ⚡️ 14.3 signle character
    🔸 fmt::format 38.6 ns 18119202
    🔹 xeerx::format 10.8 ns 64446743 ⚡️ 5.3 bool
    🔸 fmt::format 57.6 ns 11925818
    🔹 xeerx::format 2.02 ns 346543561 ⚡️ 10.0 brief int
    🔸 fmt::format 20.1 ns 34644407
    🔹 xeerx::format 3.02 ns 231357308 ⚡️ 17.4 lengthy int
    🔸 fmt::format 52.4 ns 13166775
    🔹 xeerx::format 2.69 ns 252905827 ⚡️ 29.4 float
    🔸 fmt::format 78.6 ns 9923260
    • Optimization with constexpr fpattern

      will probably be sooner by close to 30% in lengthy and sophisticated patterns

      constexpr fpattern<N> pat("...");
      // then you'll be able to cross it to format perform like:
      format<N>(pat, ...);
  • Exceptions

    0. void take a look at()
    1. {
    2.      x_throw(exceptions::out_of_range);
    3. }
    // output:
    // xeerx::exception::out_of_range
    // [FILE] /path/to/file.ext [LINE] 2 [FUNC] take a look at 
0. void take a look at()
1. {    int pos = 21, dimension = 20;
2.      x_throws(exceptions::out_of_range, format<2>("pos:{} >= dimension:{}", pos, dimension));
3. }

// output:
// xeerx::exception::out_of_range
// [FILE] /path/to/file.ext [LINE] 2 [FUNC] take a look at : pos:21 >= dimension:20

Benchmark Information

  • compiler: GCC 12
  • c++ model: 20
  • operator system: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
  • processor: Intel® Core™ i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz × 4
  • flags: -Ofast

Supply Code

yow will discover the supply code on Github

as a result of the supply code is huge and has loads script’s

so i can not put it right here.

This Submit Was Printed In Model 0.0.1



Hope I made one thing helpful

This model continues to be a beta model and I’ve not completed absolutely creating the library

So I want to know your opinion about this

  • Are there issues ?

  • Is there something that may be developed or added?

  • Did I do something flawed?




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